chapter 24

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That girl seriously I thought I will make her jealous or angry here she is going on date with that asshole

While she was on her way to class I pulled her into a empty room

"what the-"she stops as she sees me

"Ethan you sacred me " she adds

"and you gave me a heart attack " I muttered

"leave me Ethan I have to get to class"

"first tell me why are you going on a date with tyler "

"none of your business "

"J don't play just tell me" I say taking a step towards her she takes a step back this continues until she hits the wall and I trap her between the wall and me

"Ethan w-what are you d-doing "

"first answer me "

"why do you care if I go on dates you go to your favorite seatmate"

"just answer me J "

"first you tell me why do you care "

This girl ugh

She is really testing my patience

I don't want to confess like this

"J just tell me "

"none of your business "

"J " I warn her

"Ethan " she says in the same tone

"just fucking tell me " I shout moving a bit back

"why do you care " she shouts

"because I fucking love you "


I shouldn't have said that

My plan of perfect confession is ruined now

"really " she asks in a slow voice

" Yes I really love you I don't know how but I love you alot I love how you get lost in your own world while reading books I love  how you get happy on small things I love  how you play with your hair when you are nervous or bored I love how your face glows when someone buys you a new book or asks you how is the book I love every fucking thing about you "

"I love you too "she says jumping on to me

Wait she loves

I am dead

I was dying to hear those words from her

" one more time " I say hugging her more tightly

" I love you Ethan "

"once more " I ask in a baby voice

"Ethan we have to go to class"she says trying to get out of my hold

" let's skip it " pulling her more into me if that's possible

"Ethan leave me "

"never "

"we have class to attend " she says and I hum


My plan worked


He finally confessed

I am so happy

"Ethan leave me " I say

We have a class to attend and he is not letting me go

Wait a minute I have an amazing idea

I stand on my toes and peck his cheek and like I had thought his grip loosened. I quickly got out of his grib and towards the door

"get out of your dream land and come to class"I said before leaving

He quickly come running behind me

"got out of your dream land " I asked him

"my dream is standing in front of me " he replied . I could feel my cheeks heating up

" run we will be late " I said trying to divert the topic

He grabbed my hand started running towards the class

We entered to see the professor was not there yet .we went to our seat still holding hands. Amanda, Ashley, Jenny,sam ,Jeremy and tyler were looking at me and Ethan with question's face and then a few seconds later were giving us a teasing look

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