chapter 22

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"finally my ship is going to sail "Amanda says

"shut up " I tell her

After a day

The wedding and reception happened last night

Right now I am checking if anything is left as we will leave for the airport in half an hour.

It was fun with constant teasing from Amanda jenny and ashley too she is spending to much time with the two of them they have spoiled her

Anu didn't tease me alot as she was busy because of her wedding

And of course there was a pair of eyes on me almost all the time I knew it belonged to the one and only Ethan

"juls "Amanda shouts from downstairs

"coming " I say picking my bags

At the airport

We were moving towards our plane when my eyes fell on the book I wanted for so long A million kisses in a lifetime

I was about to buy it when Alex pulled me "we will get late I will buy that book for you later " he said I hummed in response

We all sat on our sits me with jenny this time Amanda and Ashley, Sam and Ethan, Jeremy and tyler, Alex was sitting with Bree who came on the wedding day

After a few hours

"j" Ethan called me from his sit

"what " I said

"take this "he said getting up coming near my sit

"when did you buy this "I say excited looking at the book in his hand

"at the airport I saw you looking at it then after what Alex said I quickly bought it for you "

"thank you so much ethan" I say talking the book from his hand

"anything for you J" he says going back to his sit

After the plane landed

" I have a important meeting right now so I will go directly from here and I will also drop Bree as her house is on the way and mom and dad are not home if you want you can take any one of your friends with you " Alex tells me

"OK " I say and he leaves

"the cars be here in a few minutes " Sam says

"I think you should confess to Ethan " Jenny whispers

"no " I whisper back

"I will be back in a minute " Ethan says going

"go with him and tell him" Jenny say

"Jenny is right go " Amanda

"go " they say pushing me

"fine " I mumble and go

"Ethan " I say after coming a bit far from everyone

"yes" he say

"I want to tell you something "

"go ahead "

I take deep breath and gather all the courage I have

"I-I "

"you" he says

"I-I L-"

"close your eyes take a deep breath and then say"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath


Julia's age 15

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