chapter 26

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"Ethan can you drop me Home" Julia says as she comes out of the cafe after getting her phone

"Why " Amanda asks

"You said you were going to stay for a few more hours"Ashley asks at the same time

"J what's wrong" I ask cupping her face

"Nothing my mom called" She said with a small smile

"Come on I will drop you " I say grabbing her hand

In the car

"J are you sure you are fine " I asked"cause you have been acting a bit weird since you came back after getting your phone"

"Ethan, I already told you everything is fine "

"If you say so . Just remember I am always there for you " I say kissing the back of her hand

"I know " she says smiling

"Cupcake,your early " Alex asked her as soon we came out of the car

"She said aunty called her "

"Mom?" He asked confused

"Yes,mom called me Just a few minutes ago " she replied glaring at him

She then Said something in Hindi which I didn't

I need to focus more on my Hindi classes

Yes ,I am taking classes for Hindi I just the basic greetings in Hindi

"Thank you for dropping me bye" she says walking towards the door

"Bye "

Something is definitely wrong.She has been acting weird since she came out of the after getting her phone

She was looking a bit worried and stressed.She was also bit stiff

Then she said her mom has called her home but her brother doesn't know what's she is taking about.

I will wait for her to tell me what's wrong but is continuous acting like this for more than two weeks then I will start my own investigation

I hope I am wrong and nothing is wrong and I am just overthinking

If I am wrong and something is wrong please let it be some small issue nothing to big


Ethan came to drop me home

He asked me few times I just can't tell him right now

I am going to tell him but not until I talk to Alex about first.

Cupcake,your early " Alex asked as soon we came out of the car

"She said aunty called her " Ethan replied

"Mom?" He asked confused

"Yes,mom called me Just a few minutes ago " I said glaring at him

"Kya hua"Alex asked(what happened)

"Pahlala andar chal fir baat
Karta ha " I said (let's go inside first then we will talk)

"Thank you for dropping me bye" I says walking towards the door

"Bye " he replied getting inside the car

"Your early sweetheart" mom said as soon as I entered

"She said-" Alex started but stopped when he noticed me glaring at him

"She said what" mom asked

"She umm"

"I said I was not feeling well"

"Whats swety" she asked checking my temperature with hand

"Nothing I was just feeling a bit dizzy after proper rest I will be ok "

"You sure "

"Yes mom"

"Then go and sleep if you need anything I in the kitchen and if you don't feel well after your nap we will go to the hospital "She said and I nodded

"Let's talk in my room " I said as soon as mom left

" Now tell me what happened " Alex said closing my room's door

"He's back "I said

"Who-"He stopped as realised who I was talking about

"How ?He didn't try to come near you right " Alex asked worriedly

"We all came out the cafe when I realised I forgot my phone I went to get it and saw him with my phone "I say trying to control my tears as the memorys came back

"Does Ethan or any of your friends  expect Amanda know what happened "He asked pulling me in a hug

"The girls know everything except the cafe one "

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