chapter 8

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"if you feel the money is less just call me I will give you more"Alex says

"I don't think I will need it but if needed I will call you "I say

"I will be leaving now Byy cupcake by Amanda "Alex says going towards his car

"by "we both say and go inside .

"he still calls you cupcake "Amanda says sitting down at our table

Before I could answer Ethan asks "who "

"it's none of your business "I tell him.

"like I care who you talk too"Ethan says

"then why did you ask "

"um.. Whatever just shut the hell up "he says getting up

I just roll my eyes .Instead of like normal keep rolling them you might find a brain in there .He just walked out of the cafeteria. What is wrong with him today. Wait why do I care I should be relieved we didn't fight right ughh Why am I sad he didn't say anything ahead.

"why is he so rude to everyone "I mutter to myself but Sam and Amanda heard it.

"I agree he is rude sometimes but not to everyone "Sam says

"sometimes "I say

"not to everyone "Amanda adds

"um.. OK fine he is rude to all the time but he is not rude to everyone "Sam says

"like " I say

Sam was about to say something when Amanda stop him by saying "and don't even dare saying his family"

"um.. Me "he says

"and "Amanda says

"Jenny and Jeremy "

"who are they "me and Amanda say at the same time. He doesn't answer .The bell rings .

Next period was P.E. The professor announced that next month there are inter college football game . Shit I will play against that jerks team .wait I forgot to mention that it will be girls vs boys inter college football game.
The team I am in is an awesome one it is the best girls team in our college . I am not trying to show off this is what the whole college thinks .That jerk's team is the "best "boys team in the college. It will be tough to beat them.

"get ready to lose "Ethan whispered in my ear

"what" I whisper back

"inter college football game your team will lose to my team"

"you wish"

"I am just saying the facts "

"Well the actual fact is that we will win and you will lose "

"let's see who wins "

"may the best team win "

"juls watch out "Amanda shouts

I see a ball coming fastly in my direction. I just close my eyes out of panick. After even a second it didn't hit me so I open my eyes to check. Ethan had caught the ball and don't know if I was seeing things or not but it looked like he had a small smirk on his face. If he was the one who asked someone to throw the ball towards me just so he could save me I swear I will kill him. Even if it was an accident and just wanted to save me for some reason I still kill him for smirking.

I was about to say something when Amanda and Sam come over to ask if I was OK and also the guy who accidently threw the ball came to check .

"guys I am OK "I tell them

That guy takes the ball and goes back to what ever he was doing.

"what do you want Ethan "I ask him

"huh"ethan says

"you are staring at me "

"Oh ya I shouldn't have expected a thank you from you"

"whatever "saying that I left to go practice with my team.

While going home Amanda and I were going together. Listening to what makes you beautiful by One Direction .

"your insecure " I sing. I have to tell you my voice is very bad.

"don't know what for "Amanda adds

"your turning heads when you walk through the door "

"don't need makeup to cover up"

"being the way that you are is enough"

"everyone else in the room can see it "

"everyone else but you "

We sing the rest of the song. Amanda's voice is way better than me.

"so is being seatmates with Ashley "I ask

"she is a nice partner what about you how are you dealing with your "best friend " Ethan "Amanda

"best friend seriously dude "

"come on get out "

"wait what. I should be angry you called him my best friend not the other way around "

"your home "she says pointing towards my house "planning to come over to my house "

"na I am going to my house "I say getting out

"see you at the cafe "

"I will come pick you up "

"ok"she says driving away.

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