chapter 12

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" Finally exams are over " amanda says as we all come out of the exam hall.

"amanda juls wait " someone shouts from behind and I very well know it is that asshole tyler .

" tyler " julia says  giving him a side hug. I wish I could just kill him .

"hi" amanda say also giving him a side hug . I look at sam who was busy glaring at tyler .

"how about we three go lunch or something  today .we barley had a real conversation in the  past  month" tyler suggests .

"I know right .First I was busy with football and you were in the hospital then we preparing for the finals whenever we  talked it was about exam " julia says

Best time of my life when he was not around .I wished he never came back .It is peace full without him .

"so it that a yes " he asks

"of course " they both say .

"you guys can join if you want " he says after he noticed we both have been glaring at him for the moment he came.

"I would rather eat with a zombie " I say

"I was dying for you to ask me " sam says sarcastically rolling his eyes. I am pretty sure the sarcasm didn't go unnoticed.

"sam " amanda says

"ethan " julia says at the same time

I look at sam who was looking at me with a small smirk on his face and I knew he was thinking the same thing as me .

"julia " I say

"amanda " he says at the same time.

Before they could say anything tyler says "I will be waiting outside if you want to want to hang out "

"yeah get out " I say

"yeah we will be there in a second " julia says at the same time.

"you guys do you have to be been all the time " amanda says

"we simply don't like him " sam says

"seriously guys you could have nicely refused "julia says

"so sorry we are not super nice " I say rolling my eyes

" keep rolling them you might find a brain in there "

"you don't even have one "

"what " we both say when we notice sam and amanda staring at us in shock

"nothing " amanda says going towards the front door.

Julia follows her .Me and sam also make our way to the door.

"what was that " sam says

"what was what " I say innocently even though I am not.

" you exactly what I am talking about"

I was about say something when sam shouts "jeremy jenny  when did you come back" As soon the words left his mouth my head quickly shots up to see tyler talking to jenny and jeremy .
We both quickly go where they three were standing amanda and julia also come there.

"when did you guys come up " sam asks

"last night " jeremy say

"how do you know him " I say pointing towards tyler

"he is our mom's friends son "jeremy says

"you are  friends with ethan" julia asks jenny and jeremy.

"No shit sherlock "I say

"I didn't ask you ethan " she says giving me a glare.

"we have been friends since we were kids " jenny tells julia

"how do you know eatchother" sam asks them .

"When they used to visit tyler we used to play together" julia says

"me amanda and tyler were going to have lunch  or movies you both  wanna join sam and ethan are not coming "Julia says

"sure " jenny says

"sorry guys but I will stay with sam and ethan you guys enjoy " jeremy says .

"so how do you both know them " jeremy says as soon as they leave..

"we all are in the same college so of course we know each other " sam says

"yeah but from what I noticed how you two were looking at tyler.I know I am missing out on something " Jeremy says

"first lets go and freshen up then we will talk " I say gesturing them walk towards the car parked near by.

we went to jeremy's house as no-one is there his parents are still in new york  .After we freshen up .we talked about what all happened in past few months when he was gone .Thank god he forgot to ask why I and sam  hate tyler. I don't know why sam hates him or does he want to do tell us or not but I don't want to cause what will I tell them I hate him because he can hug julia but I can't and I don't why it bothers ne so much .

"we have 2 months before college reopens so we should go somewhere"
sam suggests

"yeah but just the three of us not even jenny " I muttered  the last part so no-one can hear but sam did he gave me a look which meant seriously but he didn't say anything and acted like he didn't hear what I said.

"sure when and where" jeremy says

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