Chapter 11

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Lizzie's pov

I was stood in the kitchen making some hot chocolate. It was almost midnight and I just couldn't settle at all. I had no idea why but I was uneasy.

"Hey. Are you ok Liz?" Scarlett asked me as I just nodded.

"I just have this feeling that something is going to go wrong." I told her as I handed her a cup.

"I'm sure everything is fine." Scarlett reassured me before her phone started to ring. I watched her expression change as she spoke to whoever rang her at this time.

"Is everything ok?" I asked her as she looked at me with sadness and fear in her eyes.

"It's Y/N." She whispered. "He was shot."

"Oh my. Is he?" I asked her. Unable to finish my sentence.

"Colin just told me he is in surgery." She told me as she grabbed our things. Handing me my shoes. "I told him we would meet him there."

I put my shoes and jacket on. Not caring that I was still in my pyjamas.  Following Scarlett out to her car. The drive was silent and fast. I don't really remember how we got to the hospital.

"He's still in surgery. It's been touch and go." Colin said shakily. Running his hands through his hair. "I uh how can someone do this? Right in a hospital parking lot."

"Do they know who done it?" Scarlett asked him as he just shook his head.

"The guy was facing away from the camera." He told her. "The police are combing through all of his deceased patients families. Seeing if anyone can be the shooter."

"How bad is it?" I asked him finally. He looked at me with sad eyes. Giving me an idea that it was extremely bad.

"Uh. He was shot in the chest." He gestured to his own as he spoke. "There was." He took a deep breath. "A lot of blood. I was just about to leave when he was being wheeled in. There was no colour left. None."

"Oh god no." I gasped as I sat down. Tears of my own falling. "I can't." I tried to breathe slowly. "I can't lose him." Both Colin and Scarlett sat beside me. The three of us sitting in the waiting room.

I wonder why it is called the waiting room? It's not like it's a place of comfort, especially when all it brings is anxiety. All hope and faith eludes everyone when they are sat here. Waiting for good or bad news.

"I uh. I have to tell my mum. We were supposed to have dinner with them next week." I said as I stood up. Heading towards the exit. Clutching my phone in my hand.

Colin's pov

I had the worst news I could ever have. My best friend. No. My brother was shot. Right on the premises of his career. He is a good man. I have never known him to be bad. He doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He didn't deserve this.

"Is there anyone at all that could have done this?" I asked Scarlett as my eyes were trained on the double doors.

"I don't know." Scarlett answered me.

"Is there anyone you think may be capable of shooting my brother?" I asked her.

"There is this one guy. He has been kind of creepy." Scarlett told me. "He uh, he came to Lizzie's early in the morning. Snooping around but Y/N came back from Baltimore early. He seems to hate that Y/N is with her."

"What's his name?" I asked her. My blood boiling.

"Chris. He's a teacher at the school." She told me before she gripped my arm. "Please don't do anything stupid. Please let the police deal with this. Lizzie and Y/N need us both." All I could do was nod before Lizzie joined us again.

"Any news?" She asked the two of us.

"Nothing yet." I told her. "But that is to be expected with GSW victims. There is a lot of investigations to do even when they're on the table." I told her honestly. "But he will be fine Lizzie. He is a trooper."

Lizzie's pov

We waited until 8am until we got some news. Watching as the surgeons walked through the doors. Tired looks on their faces.

"How is he?" I asked as soon as they approached us.

"Y/N is stable. There were some complications." They told us. "He had a bleed, the bullet shredded the aorta so we had to perform an emergency graft to repair the aorta and stop the bleeding. He is in ICU. He will be out of it for a while, but the next 72 hours are critical so he isn't entirely out of the woods yet."

"He will be ok right?" Colin asked for further confirmation.

"Hopefully these 72 hours go smoothly and he will make a full recovery." They told us.

"Can we see him?" I asked them as they gave us a sad smile.

"With an injury like this, it's best to wait until the 72 hours are up since he is at a higher risk of infection." They told us. "I'm sorry." We all just nodded as they walked away. I sighed knowing that he was still alive but I didn't want to leave the hospital. Not without seeing him.


Hey guys. Here is the next one. Y/N isn't out of the woods yet. But please let me know what you think.

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