Chapter 9

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Y/N pov

I was excited to be going home tomorrow. I have missed Lizzie so much. I never realised you could miss someone and it feel like you have had your heart ripped out. All I know is I just can't wait.

So I decided to pack my things ready, since I hadn't really had any plans I decided to look at earlier flights instead of waiting until tomorrow noon.

I managed to find one at 2:30am. So I was fast to buy a ticket. They only had coach left but I wanted to be at home. So I decided to set my alarm for 10pm and decided to have a quick nap before needing to head to the airport.

My mind was full of all of my memories with Lizzie and what I want our future to be.

I was running away from a little boy. Must be around 6 years. Giggling his little head off. I could see Lizzie stood in the doorway, she was smiling as she was holding a baby in her arms. A golden band on her left ring finger. One that matches my own. My heart was full of joy and love. My little family right here because of the woman who made me believe that love really exists.

I woke to the sound of my alarm, a smile on my face. Going to the bathroom, splashing my face before I grabbed my bag and keycard. Going straight to the reception and checking out. Hailing down the first cab that came by.

"Airport please." I request once I was situated in the back.

"Is there someone special back home?" He asked me as I just smiled.

"There is." I told him with a smile. Thinking about Lizzie.

"She must be one amazing woman for you to be in love." He smiled as he glanced at me through the rearview.

"She is amazing." I told him. "I honestly never believed in love before her but she opened a whole new perspective for me."

"That is what the one for us does to us." He said. "They change us without us even realising."

"They do." I spoke softly. The rest of the ride was quiet and just sharing small conversation. I soon found myself walking through the airport. I bought myself a coffee as I waited. Taking my phone out of my pocket, smiling at the picture I took of Lizzie.

I couldn't help but smile wider at the picture

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I couldn't help but smile wider at the picture. Barely hearing them call for the final boarding call. I made it just in time.

Only a few hours until I get to see her again. So I fell asleep on the plane. Once we landed. I rushed as fast I could through baggage claim and security. Getting in a cab. It was just a little before 6am. So she would most likely be awake now.

My heart pounding in my chest as the taxi stopped in front of her house. Paying the driver and grabbing my bag, I started my way up her driveway. My eyes instantly falling on a familiar figure, peering through one of the windows.

"Chris?" I called out. The figure froze at the sound of my voice before turning around.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I am here to surprise my girlfriend." I told him firmly. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. Getting horrible vibes off of him.

"I am here visiting your girlfriend. She needed a ride into work." He told me. Hoping I would believe him.

"I think Scarlett was doing that anyway." I said as pointed to Scarlett's car in the driveway. "So what is the real reason you're here?"  I asked him sternly.

Lizzie's pov

I woke up, making my way downstairs to Scarlett shushing me. Hearing two familiar voices outside.

"I think I should be going then since she lied." Chris lied. I was angry, then I heard Y/N's voice.

"Can I tell you what I know?" Y/N requested. "Actually I am just going to tell you. I know you're lying about giving Lizzie a lift to work because friends don't try and peer inside like a creep. And I know you have a crush on her. I am not stupid but you are taking it to a whole new level. So if I see you near her outside of work again, I won't hesitate to put you in your place."

There was a few moments of silence before we heard a knock on the door. Scarlett opening the door. Letting Y/N inside, who instantly wrapped his arms around me. Hearing as Scarlett locked the door.

"I'll make some coffee." She spoke before she retreated into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as he smiled at me.

"I missed you and I couldn't wait for my originally planned flight so I booked the earliest one." He smiled at me. "And I am glad I did." I just kissed him softly before we joined Scarlett in the kitchen. "So, has something like that happened before?" He asked me.

"Yeah." Scarlett told him. She explained what happened with him at the school and even what he was like before Y/N and I met. Even when I was with Robbie.

"I don't want you staying here alone." Y/N told me softly.

"I can't leave Y/N." I told him.

"What if we found a place of our own?" He suggested. "It's a new start for us and no one will know where you live. I know you will be safe." I sighed before agreeing. He kissed my cheek before he started to make breakfast.


This weeks chapter is here guys. Tell me what you think ;)

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