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That was how the air felt when Kate— or Kyungmi, your pick— stepped outside on a Wednesday night. The cold wasn't a stranger to her, however, so when she felt the winter air gently stroke her cheek, she didn't shudder. She didn't pay it any attention and only looked over her shoulder to make sure nobody had seen her.

She hurried over to her car, which was parked just outside the gate to her house as her parent's car took up the parking space in their garage. Her car was a black Hyundai, the exact model unknown to Kate as she didn't really care as long as it worked. The car had been a gift to her and her twin brother for their 21st birthday, but seeing as Kate was still the only one of them to have her license she found it fair to call it her car for now. She often asked Mark, her brother, if he was already taking lessons but he always claimed to be too busy.

She flung her bag onto the passenger seat and started the ignition of the car, praying nobody would recognize the sound of it to be her car, and drove away before anyone could stop her. The streetlights illuminated the streets and guided the young girl as she drove a, to her, route that was yet to become familiar. It wasn't the first time she'd driven it, but she wasn't used to it either. She felt oddly excited about her secret trip and managed to arrive at her destination rather quickly.

The parking lot was deserted at this hour and she parked her car near the side so as to not attract too much attention. She got out, glanced around, and then grabbed her bag. She moved towards the entrance of the building, where a big sign dominated the front of the building.

Jangwi Ice Arena
Home of the Seoul Dinosaurs

Kate was used to skating at a rink in a different district, but when it recently closed after the owner had gambled the club's money away in casinos, Kate had to transfer to the rink her brother was a regular at. She didn't mind skating at the same rink as him, in fact, she thought it would be fun. He was her best friend, after all.

They grew up in Vancouver, Canada together where, soon after being born, they discovered a love for the ice and skating on it. For Mark, this came in the way of ice hockey, which he had a great talent for. It only took a few tryouts to notice the boy's skills, even at a young age. He was a natural, the way he skated across the rink and neatly mastered the black puck on the ice.

Even though Kate enjoyed ice hockey as well and often went out onto frozen lakes to play with her brother, she found her own calling in figure skating. It brought her a great sense of peace whenever she sailed across the ice on her skates, spinning and twirling. She, too, had a very specific set of skills that were picked up by a coach who was eager to teach her everything she had to know.

Fortunately for the two kids, their parents both had high-paying jobs which allowed for the twins to explore their passion in their separate sports. Mark joined a team and started practicing for games, while Kate trained for competitions. Their passions stayed with them throughout their lives, even when they moved to Seoul.

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