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Kate and Jaemin ended up talking for hours at the bar before they had both headed their separate ways

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Kate and Jaemin ended up talking for hours at the bar before they had both headed their separate ways. Kate found Jaemin to be a really nice and sincere guy and was certain they'd be good friends from now on. She'd learned a lot about him, and conversation came so naturally that it felt like they'd known each other for years.

It didn't feel forced at all, sitting with him at the bar for so long. It was the total opposite actually, and Kate didn't realize how long they had spent talking until Mark and Jeno came to tell her their taxi was there and Kate realized it was way past midnight already. The two had exchanged numbers so they could meet up soon before Kate departed with her brother and his friend.

It was a few days later when she met up with Jaemin at the rink to try out skating together. She hadn't told Mark she was skating, he thought she would be meeting up for coffee with the boy. Mark himself was busy studying, so Kate didn't have to try too hard to hide her sports bag as she descended the stairs of their house and threw it into the car.

Her heartbeat picked up when she entered the club, realizing she was going to skate again. She wasn't sure if it was nerves or excitement, but picked the last one because getting to skate with someone as talented as Jaemin certainly was an incredible experience.

She noticed him standing by the rink as he zipped up his jacket and called out his name. He looked up and smiled when he saw the girl walking toward him, sports bag swung over her shoulder. He gave a little wave, which Kate found really cute so she waved right back.

"Hey," she said, putting her bag down on one of the benches.

"Hey, Kyungmi." Jaemin came over and sat down next to her as she pulled out her skates and strapped them on tightly. She glanced over to Jaemin's, where the name of a very big brand was plastered on the tongue of his skate and Kate gasped in fake jealousy.

"Damn, you must be rich rich," she joked and heard Jaemin chuckle as he bounced his skates up and down, looking at the skates he'd been using for a few years now.

"I wouldn't go that far," he smiled. "I just invest my money in things that matter."

"See, that makes you a whole lot smarter than me because I'm out here spending money on anything that looks remotely interesting to me," Kate chuckled and Jaemin laughed along. "Hey, money exists to be spent doesn't it?"

"True," Kate nodded. She finished tying her laces and slowly stood up, wiggling and stomping her feet lightly to accustom her feet to the skates. She and Jaemin made their way over to the rink, where Jaemin stepped onto the ice first and turned around to watch as Kate did the same.

Kate let her skates carve into the ice as she followed Jaemin around the rink for a little while, warming up. They found some speed and started circling around each other. Even now, Kate noticed how theatrically Jaemin moved around the rink. His feet flawlessly carried the boy around and made it look effortless, but Kate knew better than to believe that from the way her feet could barely keep her upright after an intense practice.

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