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Lollipop in her mouth and phone in hand, Kate was nervously crossing the street on her way to the restaurant for a job interview

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Lollipop in her mouth and phone in hand, Kate was nervously crossing the street on her way to the restaurant for a job interview. She had spent an hour trying to figure out what to wear before settling on black loose pants with a white shirt and a blazer. She usually wasn't too concerned about her outfit, putting her own comfort first, but in this case, she wanted to look presentable for an interview.

As soon as she entered June's, however, she was faced with an atmosphere way more casual than she had dressed for. Bookshelves lined the walls of the restaurant, and the beige interior perfectly matched the abundance of green plants. Combined with the laid-back outfits of the employees, the overall vibe in the restaurant was very chill and made Kate feel very comfortable, although she stood out by her formal wear.

"Are you Kate?" A voice sounded from beside her, causing Kate to turn sideways to where a young man awaited her response. She guessed him to be around 27, he was definitely older than her but not old.

She put on a nice smile and nodded. "That's me," she said, bowing.

"Nice to meet you, Kate. I'm the owner here, my name is Namjoon," he said, dimples appearing as he smiled at the girl kindly. He wore loose jeans with a white T-shirt on top.

"Follow me," he told her and started making his way toward the back, where he and Kate entered an office she assumed was his. He invited her to sit down and asked her if she wanted anything to drink, but Kate declined automatically, not wanting him to have to get up again.

"Thanks for coming, I read your application," he told her. "I noticed you have an English name, are you from the States?"

"Canada," Kate corrected him with a small smile. Namjoon nodded, a soft "ah" emitting from his mouth.

"I'm assuming you speak English then. That's a plus, considering we get quite a lot of foreigners," he explained. Kate was glad to hear she had something extra to bring to the team, as not everyone her age was comfortable conversing in English.

"I'll tell you a little bit about the restaurant first, so you know what you'd be getting yourself into," Namjoon told her with a friendly smile. "I opened this restaurant three years ago, with a good friend of mine. He's in charge of the cooking, you shouldn't let me behind a stove," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"I know someone like that," Kate chuckled in response as she thought of her brother who, to this day, couldn't manage to cook an egg. Let alone an actual meal.

"Yeah, cooking is not my strong suit," Namoon said. "I'm here as a manager and I am also in charge of the styling."

Kate couldn't say she was surprised to hear it was him who took care of the interior, as his vibe really matched that of the restaurant. She could see this guy sitting by the window, immersed in a book surrounded by plants.

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