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"Please don't start playing Justin Bieber again

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"Please don't start playing Justin Bieber again."

"What do you mean? Bro, Justin Bieber has some really great songs."

"That doesn't mean I want to listen to them."

"Dude, why are you a Justin Bieber hater?"

"I'm not, I just want to listen to something else. Put on Billie or something."

"Isn't it supposed to be the passenger's job to handle the aux?"

"I don't care, I'm still the one driving. You can play Justin Bieber songs all you want when you get your license."

"Fine," Mark sighed as he looked up a Billie Eilish playlist on his Spotify and connected it to the car's audio system. The twins' music taste was very similar in many ways but there were a few artists they were divided over. One of them was Justin Bieber. Mark tried his best to defend him but Kate wouldn't hear it. In turn, Mark wasn't as big of a Billie Eilish fan as Kate was but he still vibed with the music.

The beat of Oxytocin filled the car and Kate's finger immediately started drumming along on the steering wheel. Mark softly hummed the lyrics, knowing them only because Kate played the song so often when they hung out. They passed through Seoul's streets in a slow matter as many people were going home from work at this hour. They anticipated this, however, which is why they left home earlier than they technically had to.

Kate had promised to drive Mark to his practice today. He had bribed her with her favorite brand of lollipops, and Kate hadn't told him he didn't need to do that to get her to take him. Drives with Mark were always fun, the twins always played their favorite songs and had some good conversations in the car. Or they made incredibly stupid jokes that had them crying from laughter. Their humor, however similar, was really bad.

"Jeno told me there was this customer at his job who got mad and splashed his drink in Jeno's face," Mark said. Kate gasped, glancing over to her brother momentarily.

"Oh my god," she said. "Why would they do that?"

"Jeno said he was mad because the knives weren't sharp enough."

"The knives weren't sharp enough... wow," Kate chuckled. "Some people just love ruining your day, huh?"

"Back when I worked at that bar, one time a customer told me he wanted one more ice cube in his drink or he'd leave," Mark recalled. "I did end up giving him the ice cube though."

"Damn, you should've just let him leave. Get out of here, man. One ice cube? Idiotic," she scoffed as she took a right turn onto the ice rink's parking lot.

"You know what they say," Mark said. "The customer is always right."

"Somebody should really rethink that statement," Kate said, getting out after parking. Mark chuckled and nodded in agreement as he pulled his sports bag from the bag seat. It was huge in comparison to the bag Kate took when she went skating. It made sense; ice hockey equipment was a lot bigger than figure skating equipment, which usually aimed to be as light as possible.

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