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"Where the hell are my beige pants?" Kate whined, desperately looking through the pants in her closet to find the beige cargo pants she was hoping to wear

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"Where the hell are my beige pants?" Kate whined, desperately looking through the pants in her closet to find the beige cargo pants she was hoping to wear. She looked everywhere, including Mark's room in case he'd borrowed it but it was to no avail.

"Green it is, then," Kate said and pulled out the dark green version of the pants instead. She added a black sweater on top and left her hair down.

She was meeting Jaemin today, Jeno and Mark were taking her to a bar where many of their friends were gathering today, as it was the weekend. Jeno had told Kate that Jaemin was very happy to meet a fellow figure skater, as most of the people at the rink were ice hockey players. The other figure skaters were mostly young kids so Jaemin was glad to get to know someone his own age.

Kate wondered what he'd be like in person, but from what Jeno had told her (as well as her own assumptions) she didn't have to worry. Jeno had promised her Jaemin was one of the nicest people she'd meet, and very social.

"Kate, the cab's here!" Mark yelled from downstairs. Kate hurriedly scattered her makeup bag for some mascara and then rushed downstairs. Mark and Jeno stood by the door, both leaning against opposite ends of the hallway, and looked up at the sound of Kate's footsteps on the stairs.

Mark threw a jacket in her direction, which she caught mid-air and wrapped around her body. She followed the two boys outside and into the cab. Mark sat in the front, and Jeno and Kate shared the backseat. Mark gave the cab driver the directions to their club and off they were. On the way, they casually talked amongst each other.

"Jeno, I think it's unbelievable that you've been with Sieun for almost three years and I still haven't met the girl," Kate said. Jeno chuckled and pressed his lips together.

"I know, I know. It's just because she lives so far away," he sighed. His girlfriend Sieun lived outside of Seoul, in a smaller city. It was too far away for a casual drive, and so the two mostly saw each other when their schedules permitted them to stay the night. Most of the time, it was Jeno driving down to Sieun's place instead of the other way around even though the girl had also been to Seoul on various occasions, Kate just always managed to be caught up with other things when that happened.

"Your wedding better not be the first time I meet her," Kate threatened and Jeno shook his head with a smile.

"It won't, I'll make sure of it."


The rest of the ride was filled with similar conversations about their personal lives. Jeno was probably the one friend of Mark's that she knew the best, and therefore it felt comfortable to hang out with him. Whenever he came over or they ran into each other, they greeted each other and make small talk without it feeling awkward or forced.

The cab driver dropped the three of them off at the club and they hurried inside to avoid the chilly night air that blew through the streets. The atmosphere inside was great; the music was good and people looked relaxed and happy. They were dancing, laughing, and just enjoying their free night after a week of studying and training.

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