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Pebbles shot away from under Kate's feet as they paved quickly through the parking lot toward the club

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Pebbles shot away from under Kate's feet as they paved quickly through the parking lot toward the club. Her bag patted on her back reassuringly with every step she took. Rain was falling from the grey skies above and she hurried to get inside, where she shook off the rain from her clothes.

She shivered as a rain droplet slid down her face ever so slowly, tickling her skin with a cold sensation. She quickly wiped it off with her sleeve and let her bag slide off her shoulder, hitting the floor with a soft thud. She looked over to the ice, where the ice hockey team was currently practicing. Loud yells and cheers came from the guys as they passed the black puck over the ice, speeding around in a precise matter that made every move look calculated.

Figure skating and ice hockey were similar in that way, both sports required a high skill level and understanding of the movements in order to stay upright. Where ice hockey was tricky due to its speed, figure skating was tricky due to the jumps and complicated movements. Although similar, both sports usually didn't want to be associated with each other. It was only because Kate grew up with a brother who loved ice hockey that she also partook in the sport at times, or else she'd probably have stayed far away. Most figure skaters had an innate dislike toward ice hockey players, and the same went the other way around. That's just how it was.

Mark and Kate were an exception and often got the question of how they could live with each other. However, the twins knew no better than to respect each other's sports as they grew up doing a bit of both. Kate often went along with Mark to play hockey when they were young, and Mark occasionally gave figure skating a try (not that he was very good at it, but at least they got a good laugh out of it).

The girl watched the last few minutes of the team's practice before the guys came storming off the ice like a herd of bulls. She sent Mark and Jeno a wave and was blessed to be shielded from the sight of Haechan by another teammate walking beside him.

"Kyungmi," a voice called from behind her, and Kate turned around to see her coach walking toward her. The woman gave the girl a curt nod and motioned for Kate to follow her onto the ice.

Kate immediately felt her body tense up under the gaze of Mrs. Choi, like prey under a hawk's eye. The woman, always dressed in full black, had this cold aura around her that could shut anyone up. Maybe it was simply part of being a coach, but Kate always felt like she had to be on high alert around her to avoid any mistakes.

Mrs. Choi instructed her to start with one of their basic routines, mainly consisting of spins and turns and no jumps. This routine was one they practiced every so often to make sure Kate did not start slacking posture in her moves.

As Kate started skating around the rink, Mrs. Choi remarked on whatever caught her eye.

"Raise your leg."

"Straighten your arm more!"

"Don't be so sloppy in your turns."

"Push your head back."

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