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"God, my hand hurts so bad," Eunji groaned

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"God, my hand hurts so bad," Eunji groaned. Renjun and Kate walked alongside the girl as they exited the classroom.

"I can't say I'm surprised," Kate said, having watched Eunji spend 30 minutes drawing and then aggressively erasing her work on repeat.

Eunji groaned. "I know... it just didn't go my way today."

"Well, we have a few more classes before you have to hand anything in... it'll be okay," Renjun reassured her. They were working on individual projects in which they had to draw up largely detailed blueprints for a self-designed building. It was exciting, but a lot of work as well.

"I hope so. Hey, do you guys want to meet up for lunch later?" Eunji asked, switching topics. She glanced between her two friends.

"I think I'm free," Renjun said.

Kate grimaced. "I can't, sorry. I have to work."

Renjun gasped softly. "Right, it's your first day, isn't it?"

Kate nodded, already feeling slightly nervous. She wasn't sure what to expect, since it was a weekday and she'd be done before the dinner rush. She figured it would be a nice shift to learn things and get used to the work without being thrown into the deep end.

"You're gonna do great," Eunji smiled, putting a comforting arm around her friend. They continued walking together until they reached the front entrance of the building. Eunji and Renjun always took the same bus and went in the opposite direction of Kate, who took another. The friends bid each other goodbye before parting ways.

During the bus ride, Kate played some music to keep her nerves at bay while staring mindlessly out the window. People stepped in and out of the bus at every stop until it reached Kate's stop near the restaurant, and the girl quickly got up and hurried out of the vehicle.

Right before she entered the restaurant, she sighed deeply to breathe out her nerves and gripped her backpack tightly as she stepped inside. Namjoon instantly noticed the girl from his position by the bar. He waved with a small smile, motioning her to come over.

"Hey Kate, how are you?" Namjoon asked, putting down the list he was holding.

"I'm alright," Kate smiled kindly. "A little nervous."

Namjoon nodded. "That's natural, but do not worry. It's all going to be fine, things are not rocket science around here."

"Thank God," Kate chuckled and Namjoon smiled.

"Come with me, I have your contract ready. And I'll get you some clothes."

Kate followed Namjoon into the back where he had an office, away from all the chaos of the restaurant. The office was small, but it had everything a restaurant owner needed. His desk was a little cluttered, and Namjoon flipped through some of the documents on his desk before finding the one he was looking for.

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