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"Do you think Mr

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"Do you think Mr. Park would still like me if I wrote an essay on the history of cats instead of Norman architecture in Europe?" Eunji asked, sounding genuine.

"I don't know, does he like cats?" Renjun asked.

Laughter arose between the three friends as they were seated around a random table somewhere in their university building. There was no one around, most people that were still there were in the library or different study spaces. It allowed them to talk freely without disrupting anyone's studying as they worked on their projects.

"I hope he does, because I'm seriously contemplating doing it," Eunji warned. Renjun shook his head, chuckling.

"Come on, Eunji. You got this," Kate said in a motivating tone. The girl merely sighed, burying her face in her hands. Kate patted her shoulder, as she sat next to her. Renjun sat across from them. They often worked on projects and work like this: picking a place and time and doing it together. Of course, it often resulted in them talking and laughing and neglecting their work but through the years, they had slowly started to learn to get more serious when they had to and managed to work very well when they were together. That's not to say they didn't crack jokes every so often or didn't say a word.

During the very first year of their architecture degree, the three of them had gravitated to each other without a specific reason. It just felt right. They were seated next to each other on their first day and eventually got to talking, which blossomed into a friendship that was still going strong now that they were halfway through their third year. Kate considered them to be her best friends and was grateful for how kind and open they had been to her from the start.

The students' attention was caught when two other students walked past their table hand in hand, laughing loudly. Kate gasped when she recognized their faces and turned to her friends.

"See? I knew those two were dating!" She hissed, not wanting the lovebirds to overhear. "They were being so clingy during computer class the other day."

"I would've never pictured them as a couple," Renjun said, his eyes trailing after the two. "But they look happy, so good for them I guess."

"Ugh," Eunji groaned. "When is it my turn?"

"Maybe when you stop neglecting your work by looking up cat videos," Renjun commented, making Eunji scoff. "Don't come for my cat videos, Jun."

"Whatever you want," Renjun shrugged.

"By the way," Eunji spoke. "Somebody dm'ed me the other day, asking how much one of my prints costs. Do you guys think I should start selling them?"

"Honestly, it might be a good idea," Kate offered. "People seem to really like your art, and it could be a nice side hustle."

"Yeah," Renjun agreed, looking up from his laptop. "I think you'll find a lot of people want to buy them."

"Really?" Eunji asked. The girl had been drawing for years, mostly buildings but she occasionally drew people or other things. She posted them on her Instagram account, just for fun. Sometimes, her art would get a lot of attention which was fair considering she was really talented. Selling art prints was becoming more popular these days, so it could be a good idea for Eunji to look into it.

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