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"Oh, I'm curious yeah~" Kate hummed softly as she set foot into the rink

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"Oh, I'm curious yeah~" Kate hummed softly as she set foot into the rink. Her hype playlist was blasting on her headphones to get her pumped for a workout and she felt confident, she felt ready. The weather was good, the sun was shining brightly through the clouds which added some joy to the otherwise dull winter days. Kate felt good.

She greeted a figure skater she recognized, sending them a kind smile. She kept the smile on her face as she entered the gym next to the rink, bopping her head along to the beat of the music she listened to. She stretched her body a bit and then stepped onto one of the treadmills that lined the back of the gym. She placed her water bottle in the cup holder and pressed a comfortable speed, one that wouldn't have her running but would be a good pace to warm up with. She wasn't allowed to run yet anyways.

She warmed up for about 15 minutes by walking on the treadmill (with the occasional dance moves when a song was just too good) before she took one of the fitness mats to do some exercises for her knee. She wanted to start off with these to see how much her body was ready for and to loosen it up a little bit. She wasn't going to be doing any leg machines today, she focused on her upper body for now because the doctor had recommended to only do leg exercises that required her body weight.

To her relief, her knee didn't hurt half as much as she had feared before coming here. It actually held up well, only hurting after a while of doing exercises which Kate took as her cue to move on. The state of her knee filled her with new energy, happy to feel it get better again. She smiled to herself as she moved to a different part of the gym, but her smile was quickly wiped off her face when she saw who else was there.

Haechan's eyes fell on her the moment she appeared from behind some machines and he groaned. Kate bit the inside of her cheek in annoyance at seeing his face. Of course, he had to be there to ruin a day that was going so well.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, eyeing her. He was sitting on a bench that belonged to a machine to train your arms with, and his legs were exposed by the shorts he wore. Kate mentally slapped herself for taking a peek at his legs.

"What am I doing here? The same thing you're doing. Working out."

"This gym is for athletes only," Haechan informed her. Kate raised a brow. "I skate."

"Correction: you figure skate. That pathetic excuse of a sport doesn't count."

Kate's mouth fell open and she let out a breathy chuckle in astonishment at his words. She placed her hands on her hips and leaned her head back, breathing out. When she looked back at him, he had his head down and raked his hands through his hair, which was damp from his workout.

"In what way is figure skating pathetic? We combine rhythm, skill, and-"

"Yeah, yeah, I really don't need to hear you read the Wikipedia page to figure skating. Your so-called 'sport' is a miserable sight to look at, I can't believe anybody would willingly hoist themselves into those stupid little costumes and skate and jump around in them. It looks idiotic."

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