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Kate finally saw the figure skater again when she went to pick Mark up from practice a few days later

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Kate finally saw the figure skater again when she went to pick Mark up from practice a few days later. She had already seen him make his way over the ice and eagerly moved to the boarding to watch him. She leaned forward, resting her face in her hands in awe at the boy's skills.

She had seen many figure skaters in her life, but only a few of them managed to grab Kate's attention the way this young man did. His love for the sport was evident from the little smile playing his lips as he moved freely to the music. Kate liked this detail; a lot of figure skaters were so competitively trained that they showed zero emotion during their practice. They'd only use their facial expressions during competitions, but this guy didn't. He let his real emotions shine through when he practiced.

Once again, Kate saw him do multiple axels and after each other with loops and salchows added in. He pulled off every jump as if it was nothing, as if some otherworldly power pulled him off the ice. She held her breath anytime she saw the boy prepare for a jump, skating in one line and leaning down ever so slightly before he lifted up— and landed it perfectly every single time.

"He's great, isn't he?" A voice came from beside her and Kate turned her head to see a smiling Jeno. His hair was wet from showering and hung over his forehead, while he wore a black hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hey," she smiled at the boy she'd seen around her house so often. "He really is. You know him?"

Jeno returned his eyes to the boy on the ice, smiling softly. "He's my best friend."

"Really?" Kate asked in surprise, and Jeno chuckled. "Really. I've known him since I was a kid."

"What's his name?"

"Na Jaemin." Kate processed the name for a second, letting it roll off her tongue in a whisper. She hadn't heard it before, which was remarkable seeing as how good of a figure skater he was.

"Does he have a partner?" She asked, watching as Jaemin performed a flawless triple toe loop, small bits of ice flying around like glitter radiating off him.

"No, he's single," Jeno answered and Kate chuckled. "No," she said, "I mean a skating partner. Or does he compete alone?"

"Oh, sorry," Jeno chuckled. He wasn't too familiar with all the figure skating terms, with him being a hockey player and all. "He doesn't have a skating partner at the moment."

Kate hummed as Jaemin bent down into a sit spin, going so fast it made Kate dizzy. "I'm sure he wouldn't be against it, though. He's mentioned before how he loves watching pair skating. I can introduce you two sometime, if you want? He's a great guy, you'd like him," Jeno smiled. Kate bit her lip and continued watching the boy. She was enthralled by his skating and charisma and was very eager to know what he was like in person.

"Well, I'm not allowed to skate just yet, but I'd love to meet him sometime."

"You got it," Jeno nodded with a smile, returning his gaze to his friend on the ice.

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