CHAPTER FOUR: Newbies In The Neighborhood

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Kori was playing hopscotch with his younger brothers, another one by the name of Kevin, who was just a few months old. He sat under the shade of some trees with Theresa as he watched his brown-eyed brother play with the twins. He had amber eyes, which were either from family genes or he just got them himself.

The first time everyone saw him, his brothers and some fans were over the moon. Of course, his brunette mother was not satisfied with this result on April 10th. He had the same hair color as Kori. Katherine also noticed that when the fifth-oldest son was born, he grew a lot of hair after a few weeks.

"Wah we ago do wid all a dis now?" Tanner stared, twisting some curls in the brunette's fluffy hair.

"I don't know. But I'm not going to let him walk around with that atrocious ball of hair. We can't spend too much gold for the maids to clean up follicles all over the mansion!" Katherine frowned, glancing at Kevin, who was playing with the end of a carpet.

"How about getting his hair locked?" The two looked over to the chefs, rushing up and down to prepare food.

"Huh?" Tanner blinked.

"Oh, I apologize for barging into the conversation, Sir Miller and Lady Walker-"

"Oh, no, it's a delightful thing you did! That's a great idea!" the grey-eyed man cheered, getting up and clapping his hands in pride as Katherine had an 'I really couldn't care less' look.

"Whatever, as long he looks at least okay with it. I don't want any of our lovely fans to leave because of this failure,"

"I thought you said Caden is the failure,"

"The other things are mini mistakes, but that thing is the ultimate failure." she giggled as the others secretly sighed.

"Well, mek we get someone to deal with his hair. Thanks, Cheffy!" The chef hid his reddened face from the recognition from the wealthy man.

"You're welcome, Sir Miller. I will take my leave now," he left.

"Ms. Gray, tell di boy dem that we'll be back," he ordered the caretaker that passed by.


A few minutes later, a small 'ding dong' was heard, coming at the front door.

"Coming!" Theresa yelled, hoping that the famous couple were back. Why? Caden kept throwing his food at his younger brothers and bathing his car toys with it, declaring it was a food war while Carl only sat in a corner, playing with his hair and wondering where Kevin went.  

"Hello?" she opened the door to see two adults, both having red hair. Who appeared to be the mother was rubbing her pregnant belly. They had a girl as well, who had a welcomed expression.

"Oh, hello! Is this where the young actress, Lady Walker, lives?" the redhead man asked.

"Yes, sir! What can I do for you?" the old woman asked.

"You don't have to do anything,  we were just introducing ourselves! I'm Chad Murray, and that's my wife, Layla London-Murray, and my daughter, Aubrey Murray. We just moved here, we live right beside you guys," the father explained.

"Welcome, I hope you enjoy it over here,  this place is peaceful," just as soon as Theresa said that, a scream could be heard from around her back. "Oh, dear... I'm sorry about that," the parents laughed at this in response.

"It's alright," Layla said.

"Woah, your house is so big!" their little daughter gasped in amazement.

"Nan, Nan! Who's at the door?" A small male voice echoed.

"Shh, you can't stay here-"

"Aww! He's so adorable!" Layla complimented.

"Thank you, miss!" Theresa turned her body sideways, showing a small smiling Kori.

"Aren't you supposed to help C.C. watch over your brothers?" The old woman raised her brow.

"Yeah, but he said he got it, and he's big enough!" the three-year-old spoke.

"My Lord," she grumbled under her breath as the married couple laughed.

"What's your name?" Aubrey tilted her head at the boy, catching his attention. She was a beautiful girl, having long hair down to her back and freckled cheeks and hazel eyes. It caught the Miller child off guard.

" name is Kori, with a K and not a C," he stuttered a bit, staring at the girl in surprise. The Murrays cracked up in amusement.

"Alright, young Kori! It was great meeting you," Chad gave the brunette a handshake.

"It was wonderful meeting you too, we will be leaving now," the two waved as the family left.

Theresa lowered her head at a giggling Kori. "What was that?" she whispered.

"What was what?"

"That screaming noise?"

"Nothing, Nan, Nan!" The boy smiled cheekily as the woman turned to see a strawberry-flavored pie heading towards her face.

She gasped, wiping the frosting off her face. Her brown eyes scanned over to the table, seeing a laughing Caden who was kicking his legs in the air. His hands were covered in the same frosting as well. 

"Why, you little-" she chased after the boy, laughter filling the entire first floor as the twins and Kori watched in entertainment. 


The next day, Theresa was assigned to ensure that the hoys had practiced saying their ABCs by the end of the day before Katherine arrived home. This only brought anxiety in her stomach, for she was worried that she'd do something if they hadn't learned it by today.

All six of them were in the first living room. The twins were running around a table, seeming to be playing a form of tag. She could remember vividly that Carl had bawled his eyes out to match black and white with his brother, even though Khris had refused with a frown. Curse these kids with their puppy eyes trick.

Kori was spinning around with a towel that he found on the floor that was wrapped around his neck.

The lady's eyes darted for the oldest, only to find out he wasn't near his brothers. The nominal calmness she had instantly dropped, and her heart jumped out of her chest. She shot herself out of the couch, calling out the light brunette's name and searching about. Finally, after two minutes, she found him curled up behind a beanbag.

"Caden? What are you doing there?"

The five-year-old glanced up at the woman and gasped, curling into himself tighter. "Shh! Don't tell mommy-miss that I'm here!"

"Why are you calling her miss?" Theresa raised a question, earning a small wince from the child.

"She told me to..." he mumbled, glancing up at her again.

"Well, Mommy isn't here right now. Come out to play with your brothers, Kori's asking for you,"

"I don't want to! Noo!" A shriek left his mouth as the caretaker gently pulled him up.

Kori was whining about and lazily sat on the ground, frowning and tearing up. A soft sigh fled Theresa's mouth, sitting in her rocking chair with a squirming toddler in her arms. The brunette's eyes followed up to the pair of grey ones, and he squealed, eyes lightening up as soon he saw his brother.

All of a sudden, the five-year-old stopped, his bottom lip sticking out, and his arms were crossed. Feeling playfully challenged, the nanny threatened that she'd tickle him again if he refused to behave (which seemed to work because Caden instantly stopped).

The second oldest hopped over to the two, stretching out his arms to the eldest child. Mumbling under his breath, the grey-eyed boy slipped off the nanny's lap and wrapped his arms around the brunette.

Theresa clapped her hands, declaring that it was time to say their ABCs as Katherine rudely instructed before she and Tanner went on a private two-partner date.

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