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It has been a year since the Miller couple died and the two children had made up. Eleanor mastered the skill of taking care of the penthouse, assisting one of the bosses at Tanner's companies,  and taking care of the six. Things have been going sufficiently well for the boys as their bond grew healthier.

Caden and Kayton's relationship and mental health have gotten better than it was the previous year. They had been bonding with each other ever since. Their other brothers couldn't help feeling happy for them as they got one of their wishes granted for so long.

Speaking of which, the youngest brother had received the motivation to continue his passion for realism. It made everyone proud to see him push himself to return to the happy-go-lucky child he used to be.

One morning, Carl woke up to hear a strangled scream. He fell out of bed, rushing downstairs to hear what happened.

"Kill it!" Kori facepalmed as Khris giggled a little.

"Can someone tell me what is going on here!?" eyes fell on the panicked teen.

"Cads over here is dying over a stupid spider he saw in that corner," the fourteen-year-old pointed at the eight-legged insect that was moving around in a circle.

"Caden, you can't be serious right now. You got me thinking something bad happened!" the green-eyed boy sighed in annoyance.

"Something bad could happen! It could bite my ankles!" the seventeen-year-old pouted, crossing his arms.

"I thought Kayton was the only ankle-biter here," gasps left his brothers' mouths as the blue-eyed boy swung his head to his name.

"How many times are you going to disrespect me like that? Did you forget you're shorter than me?" he eyed a giggling Kevin.

"That is true, you should be called an ankle-biter instead," Kori hummed. The amber-eyed boy rolled his eyes.

"Are y'all not going to kill this thing!? It's getting closer to my feet!" a dramatic squeal left Caden's lips as the spider crawled only two tiles closer to where it was before.

"Oh, calm down. It's harmless," the eleven-year-old sighed, picking up the insect in his hand.

"That's the fifth time I've heard you make that inhumane sound! I thought you were a brave, strong, and tough guy?" Carl shook his head.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." the teen frowned, "Wait, why are you counting that?"

"Because of that one time when we tried giving ya a tummy rub and it didn't go too well-"

"We won't speak of that." the light brunette huffed.

"Why? You want another one?" Kori teased.

"No! Of course not!" the seventeen-year-old covered his torso with his arms.

Kayton, Kevin, and Khris stared in confusion, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Heh, heh, don't worry about that. Just know he was giggling like a lil kid-"

"I think that's enough. Kay, go back to your drawing," Caden covered a laughing Carl's mouth.

"Gladly, I'll use this spider as my reference for my drawing then," the eleven-year-old went back to his seat, using a sharpened pencil to continue his sketching.

The twins glimpsed at the twelve-year-old, "You wanna play tag?"

A lit-up grin grew on Kevin's face as soon he heard 'tag', "You know my obvious answer already, let's go!" he grabbed the raven's arm, dashing outside with beaming grins.

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