howdy x male reader!

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hi everyone! I just want too thank everyone for there support! I know I said the next story would be out in a few months but since you got this story to over 400 reads y'all deserve this! I hope you enjoy the story!! story requested by acetheratre!

howdy POV:

I was humming a sweet tune because it was closing time. and when it's closing time I'm using cleaning or listening to music. I was mopping the shop when I heard a soft clap I turned my head to see this boy.. he looked gorgeous and his smile was so beautiful I couldn't help but blush a bit. the boy chuckled softly which made me feel embarrassed.. so I turned my head.


he looked so adorable when flustered. so I step inside and leaned on the counter and said"hey!" howdy stayed quiet I smirked and went over to him and grabbed one of his hands. he sharply turned his head blushing even more I kissed his hand and said"would you do me the pleasure of letting me take you on a date??" howdy looked surprised and mumbled"w-we just met!" I chuckled a bit and said"ik but I just can't keep my eyes off you.. they way you look, how soft and simple your voice is.." howdy giggled a bit and said"fine..what time??" I thought for a moment and said"maybe 11:30?? my house?" howdy seem taken a back but he knew he couldn't say no to me. so he just nodded I grabbed a piece of paper off the desk and a pen. and wrote my address on the paper and when I was done I put the paper back on the desk. and then left

𝗮𝘁 𝟭𝟭:𝟯𝟬

howdy POV:

I was wearing nothing fancy or anything I was wear a hoodie and jeans. I was holding the piece of paper trying to find the guy address after what seemed like years I made it too his house. when I got there I was tired as hell I knock on the door and the door immediately opened and I saw the guy wearing a oversized hoodie and some gray boxers. I blushed slightly the guy grabbed my hand and led me inside his house and then he led me to the couch, I sat down and he excused himself and went to the kitchen I looked around his house seemed normal. he came back with some popcorn and sat right next to me and put the popcorn in between us. and then the guy grabbed the remote and put on a movie. we were watching the movie for a bit then he grabbed my hand and said. "my name Y/N btw." I was surprised when he grabbed my hand and said stuttering on my words"h-howdy.."Y/N simply chuckled and Y/N gave howdy a small peck on the cheek. howdy blushed but nothing else happened that night.

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