silly little crushes :3

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time for Julie x Sally <33
sally was on her way to julie's house, she was also holding a basket of delicious treats for julie! she baked her favorite chocolate chip cookies! sally was skipping down the street humming a sweet tune while on her way to julie house. once sally finally got to julie house she walked up to her doorstep and knocked on the door, it was maybe 20 or 30 seconds before julie finally opened the door she looked down at sally and smiled. "oh hey sal! what are you doing here?" julie said with the most brightful smile anyone could have. sally felt her cheeks heat up she seen julie all the time around the neighborhood and always saw her face. she never noticed how beautiful and long julie hair was. or how her pink pale skin shimmered in the light. "sally are you okay?" sally was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard julie, she looked up at julie too see her worried face as julie put her warm hand on sally's cheek. "i-im o-okay!" sally said. "oh okay! I just wanted to make sure you were okay! because your cheeks were red!" julie said giggling a bit, crap! she caught me blushing! julie then looked down at the basket in sally hand.

"oh what's that?" julie said curious "just a small gift for you!" sally said smiling softly at julie as she handed the basket the julie. "oh thank you sal! you wanna come in? I heard on the news that it's gonna be a little cold today!" OMG OMG! julie just invited me into her house! "o-oh sure!" julie moved out the way so sally could get in. when sally walked in it smelled like fresh fruits and roses. "you can sit on the couch sal!" as julie closed the door. sally went over to the couch and sat down julie wasted no time and opened the basket and gasped in happiness, "omg sally you didn't!" julie said as she turned her head to sally. "surpri-" before sally could evem finish her sentence julie gave her a hug attack, julie wrapped her arms around sally neck while smiling happily at her. sally wrapped her arms around julie waist even though julie was taller then sally julie was quite light to the point sally was wondering if julie even eats. "I just wanted to surprise you!"

then julie and sally stared into each other eyes sally swore she saw julie crystal blue eyes shimmer for a moment. (yes she has blue eyes in my au) they both started blushing then sally put julie on her feet careful not julie fall. "h-hey julie I should get ho-home." sally said embarrassed. "but it's gonna be cold!" but julie could stop sally from walking out of the door and leaving. julie sighed softly "ugh! why couldn't I tell her I loved her right then and here!" julie said and she pulled golden strings out of her hair in frustration. "why can't I express my emotions.." julie said as she closed the door softly and locking it.

maybe julie can tell sally how she feels one day.

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