wally x barnaby x eddie(yandere au? part 3)

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eddie awoke as a dim bright light hit his pale yellow skin. eddie groaned it felt like he took some heavy sleeping pills he sat up as he tried to get his eyes used to the not so dark room. he saw the walls were blue and red. with a hint of yellow. eddie tried to process what had happened then he remember where he was and what happened. he recalled he was first in a basement which was literally just mental. then he remember barnaby and wally and how they injected him with some type of liquid to make him fall asleep. then the red haired ear rung as he heard footsteps approaching the door he thought quickly and laid back down on the surprising comfort bed. how did he not notice how comfort the bed was before? and eddie quickly shut his eyes then the door opened. "eddie!~ wakey wakey!!~" he heard barnaby say. eddie did not want to open his eyes then he heard footsteps approaching the bed then he felt two people sit on the bed.

"eddie don't make this difficult love.. look at us please we don't want to do something we might regret to you love.." the red haired shook at those words and they were sure he was awake now. but the voice caught the red haired attention, it didn't sound like barnaby. it sounded so dark and emotionless. he just assumed it was wally. eddie's mind was telling him to not open his eyes but he was scared what they would do if he didn't. so he slowly opened his eyes "there's we go.. that wasn't so hard, now was it gorgeous?~.." barnaby said Eddie didn't pay attention to what he saw though and the red haired male looked over at barnaby side and he saw wally, wally had a evil grin on his face "what d-do yo-you guys want from m-me?.." eddie stuttered. "oh darling~.. it's simple~.. we want your love, fear, screaming, 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱~.." "w-what?.." eddie felt tears forming in his eyes. "well darling we're gonna let you get settled in your new room~.." wally and barnaby said leaving the room. after they left eddie started bursting out in tears he knew he wasn't gonna get out of here alive..

𝟮 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

"EDDIE GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" wally and barnaby yelled running after eddie, eddie was able to get out of one of wally and barnaby cruel punishments towards him because wally tried to kiss eddie and eddie slapped him. before wally could get his hands on eddie, eddie made a break for it and started running. that brings us to where we are now he saw barnaby was just about to catch him but he took a sharp turn around a corner and barnaby tripped and fell on the floor. eddie snickered slightly as he saw his freedom was getting closer and closer. he heard footsteps hot on his tail his heart felt like it was about to pound out of his chest he saw the front door was getting closer and closer.. eddie felt happy tears rolling down his cheeks as eddie ran through the door. it was the first time in 2 months eddie felt fresh air hit his face but he could rest not now.

eddie ran into the woods and he spotted a bush thay was just big enough for him to hide behind. he quickly hid behind the bush and tried to catch his breath "EDDIE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" he heard barnaby yelled. the red head covered his mouth to ease his breathing so he wouldn't get caught by his 2 kidnappers. after what seems like 29 minutes they finally left eddie slowly got up from his hiding spot and looked around and saw they were actually gone. eddie smiled to himself and he ran deeper into the woods and finally got himself home.

𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽

wally and barnaby were taken into custody. they were charged with kidnapping and shockingly murder. it took a while for eddie to recover from this traumatic event but he soon but in that time he married frank, and they even adopted 2 kids. everything seemed to be going perfect in eddies life till one day there was a knock at the door. "babe I'll get the door! just stay in bed and rest!" eddie shouted upstairs Eddie didn't get a response he just assumed Frank was asleep since he has been sick for the past few days. eddie got up from the couch and walked over to the door as and then he opened the door. eddies eyes shot open and his eyes began to water.

"we're back darling~.."

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