wally x barnaby x eddie (yandere au? part 2)

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"w-where am i-i.." eddie spoke out to the darkness. the red haired male tried to stand up but something restricted him from getting up. eddie whimpered slightly he looked around the dark room trying to figure out where he was soon his eyes got used to the darkness. he saw he was in this type of basement it was all mental he saw the outline of a bunch of pictures and posters on the walls. then he heard a loud slam it seems like a door opened, eddie closed his eyes and turned his head from the sudden light that hit his pale yellow skin. "oh goodie!~ your awake edd-bear!~" the voice sounded sweet was kind of sinister. but that voice sounded sorta familiar to eddie then a sudden light came on. eddie tried to get his vision used to the light. after 1 minute his eyes got used to the light and then he turned his head to his kidnapper and eddie eyes widened and he was speechless. "b-b-barnaby?.." eddie said trying his best not to stutter on his words.

"bingo darling!~" barnaby said his voice growing more crazy by the second. eddie glazed over to the walls and his eyes widened. there was pictures of him all over the walls even some pictures when he was sleeping, getting out of the shower, or even when he was on his way to deliver mail. eddie started to tremble at the scene of this craziness.. "l-let me go! I won't tell anyone i-i promise!" the red haired male screamed out. barnaby looked shocked he never heard Eddie yell at anyone this made barnaby smile. and then he walked towards Eddie putting his hand under his chin"darling~.. we can't let you go~.." "w-we?.." eddie felt his eyes we're about to start watering. he didn't want to be here he just wanted to go home but he knew he wasn't getting out anytime soon. then he heard footsteps walking down into the basement eddie guess it was his other kidnapper since barnaby said "we" a couple minutes ago. and then suddenly eddie felt a sharp pain in his right arm he turned his head to where the pain came from and he saw a needle in his arm with a strange black liquid. "sorry darling! wally said you have to be knocked out while we move you upstairs!" before eddie knew it his eyes started to get heavy and his body was relaxing itself.

then eddie blacked out.

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