eddie x wally

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story was requested by Animefanfics4eva!


wally was in the park with frank looking at the butterflies. from the bushes wally really didn't want to be here but he made a bet with frank and lost. so he had to watch butterflies with frank, frank was so excited to be watching the butterflies. that's when he saw Eddie eating white chocolate on a bench wally blushed slightly, that's when frank turned his head and saw wally blushing at eddie frank chuckled a bit. then said."you like him?" wally immediately turned his head to frank. and said"w-what no!" frank laughed and said"then why are you blushing??" wally tried to stop blushing but he couldn't. he sighed and said"yes I do like him.." frank said"then why not tell him??" wally sighed and looked at eddie again, and blushed even more then looked back at frank."I'm scared he's gonna reject me.." frank put his hand on wally shoulder and said."don't be scared. your an amazing person anyone would be lucky to have someone like you in there life. and if he doesn't want to be with you that's his problem." wally smiled and frank brightfully. and hugged frank and said"thanks frank your such a good friend.." frank hugged wally back and said"I know I am." then eddie got up from the bench and grabbed his bag. and was about to start walking off wally and frank looked at eddie, frank said"this is your chance! go tell him how you feel!" before wally could say anything frank pushed wally out from the bushes. eddie turned his head and looked at wally confused wally felt his cheeks get heated. and said"h-hey Eddie.."stuttering on his words eddie said"hey wally!" wally looked up at eddie and said"may we talk for a moment.." eddie said"oh sure!" wally looked at frank in the bushes. frank was giving him thumbs up Wally blurted put"I like you!" eddie stood there in shock, wally got nervous and was about to say something but Eddie grabbed his hands and said."I love you too."

and with that they kissed.

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