wally x female reader

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story requested by Butterflymed

wally was walking in the park eating strawberry ice cream. after what seemed like a couple of minutes he found himself in the woods. he let out a small groan that's when he heard a faint voice singing an old children rhythm. wally was intrigued by this beautiful voice singing it was like a siren singing. wally could not stop listening to it, it was like something in his mind told him to follow it so he started walking. the more he walked closer to the sound the voice got more and more faint. till he saw something that made his eyes glimmer.. the grass turned to this dark crimson color.. and the trees were more orange mixed with brown almost like an light hazel color. It was so amazing wally stopped walking he was amazed but he was snapped out his thoughts when he heard the voice get a little louder. wally said under his breath"who could be singing..?"


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