wally x barnaby x eddie (yandere au?)

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this story was requested by TheEmoGirl_1456! I never actually thought of this ship- but oh well might as well try something new-

eddie walked into his house and wiped his forehead. from a hot day after delivering mail he let out a sigh of relief after feeling the cold air hit his hot and sweaty body. he closed the door and put his bag on the floor and went upstairs. he opened his door to his bedroom and let out a long sigh. his room was a mess he was gonna clean it last week but it completely slipped his mind."might as well clean it now-" eddie said almost groaning. he started to pick up his clothes. and put them in his dresser and started to fix his bed when he heard a knock on the front door. he was wondering who it was he hadn't invited anyone over. but he shrugged it off and went downstairs he walked to the door and was about to open it. but then he got a strange feeling something in his mind told him.. don't open that door. but his hands kept him going he opened the door and looked around and saw no one was there. he looked around confused when his eyes looked down at his doorstep. he saw two boxes with a roses on top of each box. he was confused he hadn't ordered anything so he was confused who put these boxes on his doorstep. something inside eddie told him to not take those boxes inside his house. but he just shrugged it off again he bended down and picked up the boxes. and closed the door with his foot he walked over to the coffee table and set the boxes down on the coffee table. he walked to the kitchen trying to find something sharp to cut the boxes open he searched through the boxes. he found a knife but then he heard footsteps through his house. at that point adrenaline was pumping through eddie whole body his grip on the knife got tighter."who the hell could that be.." eddie slowly walked out the kitchen and saw the door wide open eddie knew something was in his house. he walked over to the coffee table and his eyes widened and saw the boxes were open. and there were plushies inside the boxes. they looked like wally and barnaby. he leaned in closer to get a better look in the boxes he felt a rag on his face. he tried to scream or at least try and get the person off him but someone else grabbed his hands. and put eddie hands behind his back eddie was slowly getting tired and he fell to floor his vision was getting blurry. but he could make out the outline of two figures. the last thing he heard before he blacked was.

"your gonna love us eddie~.."

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