wally x female reader (part 2!)

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wally started to walk to the singing again. that's when he peaked his head through one of the trees he saw a gorgeous girl singing on a tree stump. wally was so intrigued about how she looked everything about her just being so perfect.. wally felt his cheek heat up then a small smile appeared on his face then he started singing with the girl. the girl stopped singing for an moment. she turned to see wally walking towards her still singing with that stupid but cute smile on his little face. the girl started singing again while wally finally got to her he sat down next to her still singing. after a few minutes they both stopped singing the girl looked at wally and said"how did you find me?" wally looked at the girl still smiling. and said"I heard your beautiful singing.. it's like faith brought us together." the girl laughed it was a corny but an adorable joke. then the girl said"well your singing isn't that bad." wally said"thanks." after that they started talking for a bit.

𝗮𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗲𝘁

wally and the girl were laying on the grass looking at the sunset. then wally asked"what's your name?" the girl turned her head to wally and said"y/n." wally then said"that's a beautiful name." y/n smiled at wally then turned her head to look back at the sunset. wally soon looked back at the sunset but then wally said"the sunset is so beautiful..just like you." y/n cheeks started to feel hot. them she turned her head to wally and said."that was corny but cute." wally chuckled a bit then turned his y/n. they both stared into each other eyes for a good moment before the two turned away from each other blushing in embarrassment. they both stayed quiet for maybe 4 minutes before y/n broke the silence."I should get going soon.." so then she got up and was about to leave but wally grabbed her wrist and said."wait before you go I wanna give you something." wally pulled a small paper out his pocket and put the paper in y/n hand. then said"call me.." y/n blushed and then smiled. she placed a small kiss on wally cheek and nodded and left.

wally jumped in excitement.

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