Chapter Thirteen

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Elliot hadn't woken up that morning expecting to see Greg, much less hear his speech about his undying love for her. Another thing that sent her day on an unusual spin was the hate that Greg and Kyle had for each other. The last time she had been together with them was a few weeks after Kyle had gotten back from the army. It was his bachelor party and Elliot had been invited because Greg claimed she was "one of the guys." He hadn't tried to downgrade her or make her feel out of place. He only wanted her to move on. He hadn't expected to carry her out of the party because she was sobbing so hard she was walking into walls.


"Ah, c'mon man! Lighten up and crack open a cold one!" An army buddy of Kyle's said as he slapped Greg on the back, knocking the air out of him. Greg shook his head in reply. He still couldn't seem to find out where Elliot was, she was supposed to be there a half hour ago. The doorbell rang. The same friend of Kyle opened the door and whistled. "The strippers here!" He shouted with a grin. "We got a good one!"

Elliot flipped him the finger and tightly smiled. "You wish." She spat as she squeezed past him and into the house. He nodded, "Yes, yes I do."

Greg was making his way across the living room to talk to Elliot when Army Buddy beat him to it. "So, honey-" He began.

"My name is Elliot."

"Right. Ellie, honey, you wanna hook up after this? I've got a hotel room down on Jasper Trail." He wiggled his eyebrows and took another swig of his Bud Light. Elliot didn't bother answer him, her eyes met Greg's and she practically ran to him. "I hear a stripper is on the way." She said coldly. "Remind me again why you invited me?"

"Number one; I didn't come up with the stripper idea. Number two; because you need to get out of the house and I thought maybe this would be good for you. You know, Kyle's happy and maybe if you saw that then you would realize that you're not hurting for no reason. You're hurting for his happiness."

Elliot rolled her eyes. "Please. You don't want to be here either."

"You're completely right, Ell. But tough shit. I'm the best man at the wedding so I didn't have a choice." He retorted.

"And I'm the ex that isn't attending the wedding."

Greg grabbed a beer off the counter and popped it open. "I understand that you hate everyone and everything at the moment, but can you turn down the bitchiness just a tad? I'm pissed at Kyle for multiple reasons but that doesn't make my job as his best friend any less important to me. I have to be there for him even if he doesn't deserve it."

"Why wouldn't he deserve it?" Elliot questioned.

Shouts and whistles came from the entry way. "Strippers here." Greg said simply and went to join the other guys.

Elliot collapsed on the couch and buried her head in her hands. "You okay?" She looked up to see Kyle in his wheelchair. "I would've thought that you would've liked this." He said.

"Why would I like this?"

Kyle shrugged. "A bunch of drunk guys hitting on you. Is that not flattering?"

Elliot shook her head. "It's actually a huge turn off."

"Just relax. Get a beer or some wine. Help yourself."

"Do you have any coke?" She stood up and pointed to the kitchen.

"That's right! You don't drink. Uh, yeah, there's Coke in the fridge. But you'd have a lot more fun if you'd drink." Kyle laughed.

Elliot walked out of the room. "That's an opinion. Personally, the last thing I need is a hangover. But thanks."

Cheers filled the air and both Elliot and Greg felt more and more out of place. Elliot found her way to the bathroom and fell apart. Sure, she acted like nothing was bothering her but that was only to get everyone off her case. Inside she was slipping, faster and faster every day, more painfully each one. Greg was right about Kyle being happy and possibly her hurting was for a better cause but it didn't make it any less real or tear her apart any slower.

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