Bonus Chapter

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Hi guys! I know that I ended this part of Elliot and Greg's story, but I can almost promise there will be a prequel or a sequel, maybe even both. There will also be a rewritten version up soon, so if you liked this, you'll love the new one. I don't know if a lot of you are familiar with the challenge I made a couple months ago about you guys writing a chapter about Elliot and Greg, even Elliot and Shane. Long story short, I asked if anyone would like to write something with either couple. @-Rory- wrote one about how Greg and Elliot met. It was pretty epic. The offer is still on the table for anyone who would like to add to their story. Most are in favor of Greg and Elliot, but feel free to bring Shane back. @AnimeWhoLockian wrote a short story for Shane and Elliot. Wait, should we have ship names? Like... Grelliot or Elleg... Ellane or Shalliot...? I need to stop now, this isn't tumblr, God. Anyways, I love what @AnimeWhoLockian wrote and I'm thrilled to share it with everyone. Remember, just DM me you're story, and I'll post it. :) Thanks guys. Happy reading.


 I smiled. I had been with him for three years. Shane. The man I would soon marry. 

 Today was my wedding day. I was nervous, but excited at the same time. Greg would be walking me down the aisle. Nobody else had that right. I linked my arm in Greg's. "Ready?" He breathed. I shook my head nervously. "No." He patted my head. "You'll be fine."

 We walked down the aisle together, and he stopped to let me continue on my own. The priests words were a blur. Shane smiled. "I do." The priest went on, and then it was me. "I do." He kissed me, and the sparks flew. We held hands. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you more."

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