Chapter Four

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E L L I O T :

I dropped my bag down beside the hotel bed. I was exhausted from our flight, Sarah had complained the entire time. Greg wouldn't let me say a word about it, he claimed she was just having a rough day. Bull shit. He carried her suitcases for her - all five of them. I was done with her in more ways than one.

Sarah rushed in the room with - guess what? - a list of things she already didn't approve of. Greg made quiet promises to fix what he could as long as she kept her voice down. She stared at the single bed in horror. "Are we all supposed to sleep in this?"

Greg sighed loudly and crossed his arms. "I think so, babe. Don't worry, we'll figure it out."

"Greg, how are we all supposed to sleep in this? There is no way three people could sleep in this," She argued. I knew exactly what she was doing.

"Well, as far as I'm concerned you could always sleep in the tub while Greg and I take the bed," I said with a smile. Greg gave me a disappointed look and Sarah sent me her favorite pouty face. They held hands and whispered as they went to explore the rest of the room.

Once Sarah parted from Greg's side, she went to explore the bathroom. What she found didn't make her happy. "Greg, the bathroom is so small! How will all my makeup fit in it!? My hair products, my clothes after I get out of the shower? How?" She cried.

I jolted for the door. Greg started to question but I slammed it by the time he finished his sentence. Walking with hands deep in my pockets, I swung a left in the maze of hallways that consisted of the hotel building. Thinking about what I would say to Greg when I came back and how I would explain myself about my abrupt exist. Sadly I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen.

I kept my eyes on the floor as I turned another corner, but instead of walking smoothly, I fell hard against something and fell back. "Hey! Watch it!" Someone shouted. I glanced up to see the one and only Shane Dawson.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. My bad," I said with a sorry smile.

He stood up and brushed himself off. "It happens. Sorry for yelling, it was unexpected." He stared at me for a moment. "Do I know you? You look really familiar."

"Uh, yeah," I replied with a grin, pushing myself up off the floor. "I met you a couple years ago. I'm Greg's friend."

"Oh! Elliot, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry for running into you like this, literally."

He laughed softly and nudged my shoulder. "It's no problem at all. I was just heading out to lunch. You're more than welcome to join me."

"That would actually be awesome. I don't know my way around here at all and Greg's busy at the moment."

He sent me a questioning look. "Last time I saw Greg he was glued to your side. What could he possibly be doing?"

"Convincing his new girlfriend all her clothes will fit in the closet." I rolled my eyes.


"So, I got a text from my boyfriend that said, 'Knock, knock.' Naturally, I asked who was there and he said, 'Single.' I replied, 'Single who?'" I grinned for a second, looking back on it. "I have never regretted answering a joke so much," I couldn't help but laugh.

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