Chapter One

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E L L I O T :

"David," I shouted from the kitchen. "Your cab's here!" My older brother rushed into the room, still straightening his tie and lugging his suitcase behind him. He grabbed a banana off the counter and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, sis. See you in a few weeks!" And with that, he practically galloped out the door.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I didn't doubt for a second that it wasn't Greg. He was incredibly anxious to come over, especially now that my brother was going away for work. They had never gotten along, not even when they met about seven years ago.

I moved in with my brother after he started college and I finished high school. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than living at home. When I told Greg I was moving nearly completely across the country he told me he would move, too. He packed his things in a week and had already rented a house no more than ten minutes away from where my brother was living the week after I told him.

Greg and I had been friends since our freshman year of high school. Long story short, I was the new girl and he was invisible enough that people thought he was a new kid. From the first moment we met we were inseparable.

Since then, we've always been over one or the other's house. There was never a dull moment from reading hate mail that he received after making another YouTube video that upset some pussy to falling asleep to a movie we picked out. We were best friends. I wouldn't exactly say that we were like brother and sister... I wasn't all that sure on my feelings for him still.

I slid my phone out of my pocket and grinned at the message:

Is he gone? Tell me he's gone. You promised he would be gone soon. How soon is "soon," Elliot? Agh. Sorry, just can't stand the guy. Sorry. :/

I texted him back.

Yes, he's gone. Before you come over can you grab my hoodie? I think I left it over there the other day.

By the time the message said it was sent, there was noise outside the front door. Greg walked in and threw his keys on the sofa. "Here's your jacket," he said as he tossed it to me. He stalked past me, hugging me quickly and heading to the kitchen. "Got anything good in here?"

"Is it just me or are you more obnoxious than usual?" I collapsed on the couch. "I really regret giving you a key sometimes, you know that?"

He returned with a piece of left over pizza in hand. "Rough night. Anyways, do you wanna go out today? Catch a movie?"

"Doesn't that require being social, though? I'm not so sure it's worth it."

He scoffed. "Ell, it will be fine. I'll drive, like always, and then I'll pay. Sound good?"

I rolled my eyes and got up. "Let me get dressed first." I made my way to the bathroom when I heard the T.V. turn on and Greg shout, "Don't take too long."

I did what I could with my messy curls and picked out something I deemed acceptable enough for Greg. He had taken to making fun of things I wore lately... but then again, he always made fun of everything I did.


We walked through the mall with sodas and cookies in hand. Greg had gone from once barely being an inch taller than me to standing a foot over me. "I've got a question," I said.

"Hopefully I have an answer," He replied.

"Isn't it sad that we've been hanging out the same ways and doing the same things for nearly a decade?"

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