Chapter Two

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E L L I O T :

"Her name is Sarah," Greg confessed. He rested his head in his hands.

I raised my eyebrows. "Tell me it's not the Sarah from high school."

"I just said you didn't know her."

"Yeah, but if I were you I would lie to me about this too."

He sighed. "She isn't as bad as you remember, Ell."

"Oh, my ass she isn't as bad as I remember. Why? How? I just... Why?"

He shrugged. "I know. It doesn't make any sense. She called me out of nowhere a few weeks ago and asked me to one of her parties. I promised to make an appearance to make her stop begging and uh... she wasn't as bad as I expected."

"You're kidding me right? Tell me you'e kidding. So what if she was begging? Hang up! This is Sarah, Greg. If she's calling someone she tortured during high school, it probably isn't for their benefit." At this point, I was shouting. People turned in their seats, shushing and cursing at me to quiet down. I stood and took the candy Greg held in his hands. "I'm not doing this right now. I can't believe you."

"Ell, it was seven years ago. People change. Maybe you're being a bit dramatic." He said with a sigh.

I stormed away, shouting, "You obviously don't remember what she did to me"

He called after me but I ignored him and stomped angrily down the theater stairs.


  I didn't realize until I was in the parking lot that I no longer had a ride. I sat on the curb outside the theater, waiting for him. "Maybe I should just walk home," I mumbled to myself.

"Uhm... Ma'am?" A voice asked. I turned around to see the boy that thought Greg and I were dating. He wasn't in his uniform anymore, he had traded it out for a Star Trek shirt and jeans two sizes too small. "Ma'am?"

"Are you talking to me?" I asked, pointing at myself in curiosity.

  Nodding, he replied. "Yeah. Do you need a ride or something?"

I stood up. "Uh, yeah. I guess I do. Don't worry about it, though. I'll figure something out."

"No, I insist. It won't be a problem anyways. I don't have to have the car home until six." He said, his lisp coming out.

Kevin, the boy who offered a ride, kindly dropped me off at home half an hour later. I handed him a twenty for his trouble but he wouldn't take it. Instead, he dared to ask me out despite clearly being far younger than me. "Look, Kev," I didn't let him answer. "Thanks for the ride again." I waved as I was walking away.

Walking inside, I dropped my purse and keys on the coffee table and sat on the couch. I had put my phone on silent at the theater and during the ride home I hadn't bothered to look at it so I had five unread messages and three missed calls from none other than Gregory Jackson.

Message One: 4:34 p.m.

Ell, I think you're overreacting. Come back to the movie and we can talk on the way home.

Message Two: 4:47 p.m.

The movie's pretty good so far... sure would be nice if you would come back and finish it with me.

Message Three: 5:15 p.m.

I left the theater. I'm at the car. Where are you?

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