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"So, what kind of shit did you get yourself into this time?" Jae-jun's lawyer spoke through the phone, his tone filled with exasperation.

"You asshole. Don't call it shit. It's not like that, this time." Jae-jun retorted, his frustration evident. "I have something that is very small and precious, and I want to take it from someone."

"What do you mean precious?" The lawyer inquired, his voice laced with confusion, "A jewel? Are you going around stealing things now?"

"Fuck you," Jae-jun exploded in anger, "I'm just trying to get back what's mine." He took a moment to collect himself, exhaling heavily, "Come on, man. Just hear me out."


"Right, I'll get straight to the point." The lawyer responded, settling down on the sofa, "No way. It's impossible."

"You can't have the kid."

"And why is that? I'm Ye-sol's father, aren't I?"

"Biologically, yes. Not legally." His lawyer explained matter-of-factly, "When a child is born during a marriage, they are legally considered to belong to the married couple's."

"That means, her real father is Ha Do-yeong."

Jae-jun scoffed, disbelief etched on his face, "Goddamn, that's not fucking fair." He turned to his lawyer, hope flickering in his eyes, "Even with a DNA test?"

"A 99% match. Isn't it science?" Jae-jun offered hopefully.

"Well , would you waste your time on that? Even if it was 990% instead of 99%, as long as the legal father doesn't abandon them, you'll always be second rate."

"Son of a bitch." He muttered, "Can you atleast try and file a lawsuit or whatever? Something?"

"I'm saying, you don't even have the grounds to file one." The lawyer replied wearily, shaking his head, "You're a third party, not considered-"

"Why am I a third party? I'm her real father," Jae-jun interrupted. "Shit," he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "What kind of fucked-up law is that?" He crossed his legs, his mind racing.

"You might have a chance for a lawsuit against them, if it's clear that the legal guardians were unable to have a child, like if one of them was locked up in prison, or away on a trip when conceived." The lawyer suggested.

"Is it possible? He sighs, his voice tinged with resignation, "It's not, they're fucking lovebirds."

The lawyer leaned back, "Then, has the father abused the child?"

Jae-jun closed his eyes, irritation seeping through his response, "If he were abusing her, why would I call you? I would just call the cops."

"Well, in this situation, your best scenario won't be a lawsuit." The lawyer stated, his tone serious as he leaned forward.

"It's, the mother getting a divorce. Child custody would be a whole different matter." Jae-jun absorbed the lawyer's words, his gaze fixed ahead, "A divorce?" He mused, the possibility unfolding before him.

𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 ── 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗬Where stories live. Discover now