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Despite the bright lights that adorned the bridge, Yoona found herself drawn to the darkness that lay beneath her feet. The river flowed silently, it's depths holding mysteries yet to be uncovered. The cool wind whispered against her bare arms, embracing her with a bittersweet embrace as she peered into the water, as if seeking the answers to the thoughts that consumed her.

Just a few months ago, Yoona's life had appeared picture-perfect, a facade she had willingly embraced. She believed she had it all ─ a loving husband, a sense of security that shielded her from the worries of the world. But all illusions were shattered when Dong-eun stormed into her life, eighteen long years after their last encounter, turning her world upside down.

Dong-eun had arrived with a purpose, seeking revenge for the wrongs done to her, and in doing so, she had exposed the truth about Jae-jun's affair with Yeon-jin. The situation was far from ordinary, though. Yeon-jin, Yoona's sister, harbored a dark past marred by not one, but two acts of murder. Now, the shadows of her sister's past loomed over all their lives, haunting them all. Yet, Yoona understood that the truth needed to be revealed, no matter how painful or unsettling it might be. They all deserved to know the extent of Yeon-jin's monstrous nature, the psychological grip she held over her victims, and how she manipulated and blackmailed those she deemed unworthy. It was a tangled web of secrets and deceit that had been woven for far too long, and now, the threads were unraveling with vengeance.

In the past month, a whirlwind of events had unfolded, blurring together in Yoona's mind like a hazy dream. But now, as she stood on that bridge, allowing her thoughts to wander, she realized just how much things had changed. The comfortable facade of her once-perfect life had crumbled, revealing the harsh realities behind it.

She knew she had a role to play in this unfolding drama, a responsibility to face the truth head-on and bring justice to those who had suffered.

In this drama that had entangled her own family, Yoona recognized the parallels to her professional life. The distinction lay in the fact that the antagonist was her own sister, and the notion 'good' seemed elusive. Everyone, she believed, harbored darkness within their hearts, hidden behind their dark eyes, waiting to be exposed.

Yoona heard someone call out her name. She turned her gaze from the river to meet Myeong-o's eyes.

Myeong-o approached her, too close for comfort, yet the unspoken warning in her eyes prompted a tiny retreat of his feet.

"Jae-jun has a child," Myeong-o stated bluntly, his intentions clear.

"I'm already aware," Yoona responded, her voice calm and composed.

Myeong-o raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her lack of reaction. "And it's Ye-sol, the daughter of Yeon-jin and Jae-jun."

Yoona's lack of response seemed to agitate Myeong-o, who let out an exasperated sigh, "Imagine what would happen if Do-yeong were to discover this truth." he mused, relishing in the potential fallout.

A shiver coursed through her body as she contemplated the consequences. Do-yeong's deep affection for Ye-sol was unwavering, and the thought of him learning that Ye-sol was not his biological daughter sent a wave of dread through her, she felt nauseous.

"It would be like killing two birds with one stone." Myeong-o added.

The irony of the situation was not lost on her, and she relished in the thought that Myeong-o's actions were, unknown to him, were aligning with Dong-eun's revenge. Having spent significant time with Jae-jun, Myeong-o possessed intimate knowledge of his secrets. Once the truth about Jae-jun and Yeon-jin's actions was exposed, Myeong-o would find himself next in line to face the consequences of his own misdeeds. Myeong-o's arrogance and ignorance made him an easy target. The 'mutt', as Hye-jeong had called him, would soon realize that his actions had set in motion a chain of events that would lead to his own downfall.

𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 ── 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗬Where stories live. Discover now