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I was tired, annoyed and restless.

In between my financial problems at home and work, I worry about Lisa who hadn't contacted me for three days now... until Jisoo posted a picture of us four from the bar, the one taken 2 days ago.

On that picture, I was holding a beer. I changed into a white spaghetti strap top and black shorts that night after my shift, mainly because Jisoo urged me to wear those.

With my eyes boring straight to the camera, a bit tipsy by then, this woman looked nowhere like me. I didn't recognize myself.

The girls said I looked good, very much different from how I normally dressed and face the camera. Andrew too, but he couldn't tell the difference since that was the first day we met.

He's beside me on that picture, grin wide and hair wild, his hand raised up in the air holding a shot glass. His arm is on the backseat, particularly behind me since I'm seated next to him on the booth Jisoo reserved since she's a VIP there.

On my other side is Nayeon, winking and blowing a kiss at the camera. On Andrew's other side is Jisoo, tongue sticking out as if she's an annoying kid.

Not even 30 minutes after Jisoo uploaded that picture, my phone started ringing and I saw the name I've been waiting to see.

This time, I managed to realize that it was a video call so I sat up from lying down and straightened my shirt.

I frowned seeing a bandaid on the top of her right brow.

"Hi gorgeous. I missed you," she says while the screen shakes a little, and I realized she was setting up her phone stand.

When it stabilized, her face is no longer close up to the camera as it reaches a bit lower than her chest. She's wearing a mint blue hoodie, the hood up her head.

She was pouting, and I realized it's because she was waiting for me to say something.

"Sorry I hadn't replied to your messages, I was busy and I—"

"Is that a bandage on your wrist?" I asked worriedly when she raised her hand to fix her bangs and hide the bandaid. I leaned closer to the phone, hoping I could see more clearly if she's okay.

"So... I was being clumsy," she starts explaining, looking shy as she scratches the corner of her left brow, "Fell off somewhere, broke my wrist. Went to the hospital. I'm sorry I didn't call."

"Oh my God, is it bad? Does it hurt a lot?" I frowned.

"It's tolerable now," she shrugs. "I'll probably be home tomorrow."

My brows raised. "Already? I thought you'll stay there for three weeks?"

"Yeah, I'll go alone. Bogum and Rosé will wrap things up here," she leans on her chair, "Besides, I miss you. Didn't you miss me?"

"Of course I do miss you," I replied. "I was getting worried that I couldn't reach you. Are you sure you'd rather go home early than rest a little before you go? I mean, you're injured."

"I want to go," she answers with finality, "I'm fine, Jennie. I'll ask my driver to pick you up so we can meet at dinner. Sounds good?"

"Yeah," I quickly nodded, the thought of seeing her tomorrow making me feel both at ease and antsy because I couldn't wait til I can touch her again. I want to be selfless and ask her to stay there and rest, but I also miss her already and she wants to see me too.

"Good," she inches closer to the screen, looking adorable with her legs now up on the chair as she hugs her knees. "Anyway, Jen?"

"Hm?" I blinked, trying not to be distracted with how adorable she looked.

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