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The next day at work, I almost got late for staying up all night.

Of course I couldn't sleep after that... break up with Jennie.

I didn't drink though. That's something, right?

"Yah, why are you late?" Jisoo taps my shoulder, eyes-wide.

Stepping inside the elevator, I looked at her. "Why are you late then?"

"I'm always late, or on leave," she grinned. "I just came to work more frequently ever since Jennie got based here."

I kept mum at the mention of her.

"You're coming with us tonight, right?"

I furrowed my brows at her.

She looked at me suspiciously. "Jennie didn't tell you? It's Andrew's birthday so the band is coming home today. Andrew's throwing this party at the bar with everyone. It's also like a celebratory party for the success of the band. Jennie, Nayeon, Jackson, Bam, his bandmates of course... and I thought Rosé is inviting you guys. Andrew told us he's fine with you joining."

I shook my head. So she doesn't know we fought.

"Maybe she thought Jennie will invite you," she shrugs. "So you're coming right?"

"It's only Monday, who throws parties on a Monday?" I frowned.

Jennie's probably not going either.

"Well, Jennie's going."


"I'll make sure she does," she grinned. "I feel like Andrew's only throwing this party to see her though."

When I glared at her, she just laughed. "I'm kidding! Lighten up."

I ignored her and stepped out when I reached my floor.

"I'll text you the address okay!"

I still said nothing.

This morning was no different from last night. I kept thinking not only of our fight, but if what I did really hurt her feelings. Because it did hurt when she said we're over just like that... if she didn't mean it.

But I hurt her first by meeting the one man she loathes the most, behind her back. Worse, she found out that I've been helping her brother meet him... and that I'm also involved financially.

"Will you keep sighing all day?" Hyeri laughed when she re-entered my office. "Let me guess, you and Jennie fought?"

We broke up.

But I didn't feel like saying that out loud.

Besides, it's only been a day. It's not that I'm taking it seriously. It's our first fight as a couple and she's already breaking up with me.

I'd like to think I'm just giving us more time, to calm down and rethink our decisions.

Like how I'm reflecting on what I did, I also hope she's thinking about her choices. Instead of begging her to coms back last night, I only let her go. She can't keep breaking up with me everytime we fight and she has to realize that.

We promised to be better than that this time. And I promised I wouldn't leave her like her father did.

There's still no messages from Jennie. I just checked my phone again. Dammit.

"It's almost lunch. You're not going to pick her up?" she asks nosily.

"I have lots of work to do," I opened another folder, scanning the document even though I can barely register anything in my mind today.

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