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"Are you sure this is okay? We're not going too fast?" Jennie asked in worry, reaching for my hand.

I breathed in, trying to even my breathing as I held her hand tighter. Then, I nodded and smiled at her, "Yeah, i-it's okay."

I jumped and almost yelped with the forceful placing of their transparent pitcher on the table. Hyunsuk was glaring at me when he did.

He and their mom were actually walking home from the market when they caught us, 2 streets away from their house, kissing. It's only yesterday when Jennie and I got back together. Her mom looked at me coldly when she asked me to come over for dinner, while Hyunsuk looked as if he wanted to murder me.

"Hyunsuk-ah! Be careful," Jennie scolds him a little.

"Don't be so hostile on our guest," their mom coldly says while placing another set of side dishes on the table. Then she sat beside Hyunsuk, still not looking at me as she picked up her chopstick, "Don't mind him, Lisa. He's just worried because you broke his sister's heart years ago then came back to nurse her when she was sick. And suddenly now, he finds you sticking your tongue down her throat since his fool of a sister seems to have forgiven you that easily."

Chills suddenly ran down my spine. I should've told Jennie it's too fast for this! I don't think I'll get out of this household alive!

"Mom! It's not like that," Jennie's cheeks turned completely red as she lets go of my hand under the table, waving both hands exaggeratedly in the air, "We just got back together. And it's... it's not like she cheated on me, you know?" she bit her lip and looked at the bowl of rice in front of her, "We just had too many differences... and fought a lot... and I gave up."

She sounded ashamed and incredibly sad, so I reached for her hand again under the table, this time bringing it to my lips. She looked at me affectionately, "And I'm lucky she didn't give me up like I did years back."

The table was silenced.

I kept looking into her eyes, though.

It was so worth it, waiting for her. She always has been worth it.

"I made a lot of mistakes before," I told them, but mostly Jennie, "And I won't repeat them this time, Honey. I'll make you the happiest this time."

"I will make you happier too," she mutters in almost a whisper, her eyes teary as she leaned in.

I almost leaned in too, until we heard violent coughs and we were reminded we're in front of her family.

Hopefully we didn't look too dramatic.

"Eat before the food gets cold," her mom says.

Jennie and I both abruptly reached for our utensils and started eating.

"Slow down," her mother scolds me when I ate too quickly, "You might get indigestion."

I smiled sheepishly and then nodded, "Okay, Mom-M-Ma'am."

My cheeks burned.

She looked at me pointedly. "I was nice to you the first time we met because you were a guest. Now, you're part of the family so I will treat you like I do to my kids-and not any nicer, you hear me?"

I'm not sure if that's a warning but it made my heart flutter. I'm part of their family.

"Y-Yes Ma'am," I said quickly.

"Mom," she corrects me as she continues eating.

It almost made me choke. I looked at Jennie, and she's beaming at me.

I looked at Hyunsuk, he's holding back his smile.

"How's your studies, Hyunsuk?" I tried to engage with him, too.

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