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"I cooked just enough for you three," Junmyeon said as he setups the boxes of lunch he wrapped for us. He joined us three here in the cafeteria again.

"You're like a mom of three," Sejeong tells him while looking at the food he prepared hungrily.

"You know I'm trying to lose weight a little," I playfully huffed, making me chuckle while pinching cheek.

"Well just so you know, you don't have to do that, cutie," he says while putting meat on top of my rice.

"Thanks anyway."

Later that night, he also waited for me to clock out of work. He's been dropping me home for a few days now since his birthday last week.

I think I was also healthily moving forward. I don't dwell much on Andrew anymore. I even felt proud seeing him on the news this morning.

Maybe it helped that I'm with people that has nothing to do with him... Somi, Sejeong and Junmyeon. And I'm no longer at the branch where we worked together.

Things were starting to get better.

Jisoo's father, the President, was also happy with my performance.

When Jisoo came back from another business trip, she invited me and the other three for dinner.

She brought her car so I joined her there on the way to her apartment, while Sejeong and Somi were on Junmyeon's.

"What's with you and Junmyeon?" Jisoo didn't even try to lure me in with small talk once she hit the road, and bombarded me with similar questions. "Did he confess to you? Do you like him? Are you two dating? Why can't you answer me, huh, Jennie Kim?!"

"Because you wouldn't give me time to speak!" I slapped her arm.

"So what's up with you two?"

"We're just friends."

"Well, does he know you two are just friends?" she raised a brow while glancing at me.

"What are you talking about? We're not a thing."

She shrugged, "You've always been oblivious but he's probably too shy to even make a move yet. So, do you like him? Are you back on dating corporate people?"

I smacked her arm again. "Shut up."

She laughed out loud.

"On a serious note.. he's a nice guy. Maybe you'll like him, maybe not. Just take your time, Jen. No one's rushing you."

I felt touched, hearing sincerity in my bestfriend's voice.

"Thanks, Chu..." I took a deep breath, "You know, I think it's getting easier too having to deal with my break up with Andrew. Though I still care a great deal about him, but at least he's pursuing his passion, right?"

"That's great," she smiles while driving, "Just leave all the bitterness in me because I still want to kick his ass."

I chuckled.

"It's..." I let out a shaky breath, "It's also becoming easier to see Lisa. Although I have only seen her once this month... but it felt nice, being able to look her in the eyes and just smile genuinely."

"How come you're moving on from two people at the same time? Hey, that hurts!" she whines when I smacked her arm again.

"I'm only moving on from my feelings with Andrew," I tell her honestly, "I've moved on from Lisa before. It's just that I had a lot of regrets and... we ended on a bad note, remember? So it was hard seeing her again, but it got better. Even if..."

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