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"We can eat somewhere else?" Jisoo said Friday night when we went to a barbecue restaurant and we saw Lisa, Hyeri, and Bogum having team dinner with at least 15 people.

I wanted to leave. Maybe run, even.

But for a split second, I had eye contact with her. With Lisa.

It was brief... and nothing to her. She didn't freeze like I did, didn't quickly look away like I did. So I decided that it shouldn't affect me either. I got to stop overreacting and just learn to ignore, too.

"I don't mind eating here," I said, going straight to the table for two that the server pointed at.

"Oh, it's Ms. Kim," some employees from their company who were seated near us recognized Jisoo, even bowing a little.

Jisoo just smiled and bowed too.

We tried to keep a light conversation as we ate and drank, but their group was noisy it was a bit hard to hear each other.

"Kim Jisoo! Mind introducing me to your company?" a gentleman from their table went to ours, smiling at me.

"Aren't you married yet Junmyeon?" Jisoo asked, though I heard playfulness in her voice.

"Yah! I don't even have a girlfriend!"

I laughed.

"Of course, you're so shy unless you're a bit drunk like this, you get the courage to talk to women," Jisoo smirked, "Jennie, this is my friend Junmyeon. He was from our company too, transferred to Lisa's."

He looked at me, smiling, "You know Lisa too?"

Smiling awkwardly, I just nodded. "What do you do Junmyeon?"

"I'm a brand manager. I work closely with Lisa, actually. I used to work for Jisoo but she was never around unlike Lisa who's a workaholic," he says the last part in a whisper, though he was just playing around.

Jisoo smacked his arm. "You're badmouthing us! You're even calling Lisa by her name!"

"Being a workaholic is a compliment, actually," he grinned. "And Lisa now prefers us to call her by name."

She must've changed a lot then.

Jisoo must have sensed my discomfort because the topic is around Lisa.

"So, seriously. No girl yet?" Jisoo asks him.

He shook his head, "Been too busy for that. How about you two?"

"Just meeting lots of people but no one's really that interesting yet," Jisoo casually replied.

He nodded and then looked at me, waiting.

"Just got out of a relationship," I honestly answered.

"Stupid dude, honestly," Jisoo blurts. "Now that Jennie's single again I bet it won't take people long to realize and fall in line for my bestfriend!"

Her voice was too loud that some people heard, laughed, and even yelled in support. "Yes girl!" "You're a catch!"

I looked down in embarrassment while these two were laughing.

I don't know how much time has passed but Junmyeon already bid his goodbye after a while to come back to his friends and then eventually leave.

Jisoo was also starting to get drunk while I refused to drink more since I want us to get home safely.

The restaurant became quieter as only the soft music is heard, with people leaving or falling asleep out of drunkness.

I know I shouldn't look over my shoulder and take a glance. I really shouldn't.

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