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"Lisa, if we lose over this lawsuit it will be bad for us. Let's just settle and pay a few hundred thousand dollars and then-"

"I said no," I said slowly, emphasizing every word.

Hyori looked at me in dread. "You're putting our company in greater risk."

"That's why we hired the best lawyers, dammit," with gritted teeth, I stared at her, "And that's exactly why I flew here. Not just to straighten things out in our company but to win this case. They're tarnishing my family name, Hyori."

"Fine!" she angrily says, her arms up in the air before turning her back on me, "Might as well start looking for another job while you speed up our bankruptcy."

"Hyori," I glared at her back, "I don't like your tone. You're still my subordinate."

She stood frozen, her hand on the door handle.

"I'm just saying it will be messy," her shoulders slouched, her tone apologetic as she turned around to face me, "And not to mention, lengthy. We all know your capabilities, Lisa. You're a great leader. But if worse comes to worst, you'll still have your own company running in South Korea but my people here in Japan? We will be left with nothing."

"I'll extend my stay if I have to," I said with finality, trying to push whatever hesitation I have at the back of my mind, "I will make sure you all keep your jobs. Because that's my job."

She forces a smile in appreciation, giving me a slight nod.


The Rose guitarist Andrew Garfield allegedly cheated on ex girlfriend and singer Rosé with a non showbiz girl— click here for more!

"You tell your publicist to fix this shit," I told Rosé over the phone.

"I'm dealing with it! Okay? They're taking down those posts already after we threatened to file lawsuits!"

Lawsuit here, lawsuit there. I feel like I'm going crazy.

"Jisoo's helping us too so don't worry about it," she tells me.

"Their pictures are all over the internet," I rolled my shoulders, trying to ignore the body pain from sleeping in my office's couch last night. "Just make sure you clean this. You all started this, now people think my girlfriend stole him from you. Fucking brilliant."

"I already said I'm sorry!" she says angrily. "You know what, I'd rather use my time to solve this than fight with you."

"I'm not— shit," I slammed my phone against my table when she ended the call.

Another message popped, this time from Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk: his surgery will be soon. i still cant believe noona agreed to pay for it

Lisa: Did she forgive him?

Hyunsuk: no, she still hates him but she told me she paid for my sake. i dont believe her tho. i know she worries abt him too

Hyunsuk: u busy over there? noona said u havent called for a few days now

Lisa: Will call her soon. After my meeting.

I squeezed my eyes shut, running my fingers on my hair while I lean back on the couch.

At least, there's progress with her father.

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