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"Good morning noona," Hyunsuk kisses the top of my head, an arm firmly wrapped around me. "I made you pancakes."

It wasn't a normal occurance for my brother to do that, much less him preparing me breakfast.

But today he did.

"Thanks Hyunsuk," I smiled a little, then realized he's already wearing his uniform, "Off to school early?"

"Yeah, I have a presentation today."

"Goodluck," I ruffled his hair.

He quickly backs away, "Noona, not my hair!" he pouts and I laughed a little.

"Mom said stay home if you need to," he seriously says afterwards, "Or take a vacation."

"I'm okay," I said, trying to widen my smile but he looked at me suspiciously so I snorted. "I promise, I'm fine!"

It's only been a week since Lisa and I broke up and my family had been treading around me carefully. Somehow, they just knew. Maybe it was because of that night, when I got home quietly and passed by them with bloodshot red eyes. Or maybe it was when I got home drunk the next day, although passed out that my brother and Jisoo had to carry me inside. Or maybe it was the quiet sobs during the night and intolerable quiet moments of my day.

"Jisoo said you can take the afternoon off," Jackson informs me at work while I was cleaning the glass table.

I stopped and stared at him, then to Andrew who looked clueless.

Even at work, people seem to know how broken I am despite my smiles.

"I'm perfectly fine, Jackson."

"Jisoo said she'll fire me if you won't agree."

"Since when did you ever believe her?" I raised a brow.

He purses her lips then shrugs, "If you ever change your mind, just get your bag and go alright?"

I sighed and just smiled, "Thanks, Jackson."

It was a few moments later when Andrew made his way beside me, "You okay? Any problem?"

I looked at him and nodded, "I'm fine."

He runs his fingers through his messy hair, as if debating on what to say next so I only raised a brow at him, and then he clears his throat, "Did you break up with her?"

His question didn't really surprise me.

Although, I was wondering if people thought Lisa dumped me because she realized I'm no match for her.

"The other day, she waited for you but you ignored her," he explains. "You don't seem to be the type to be angry for long, pretty obvious she was begging for you to take her back."

Lisa did. On that night we broke up, she cried and hugged me, begging me not to break up.

"I fucked up. I'm so sorry, please don't leave me," she wraps her hand on my wrist, her other one pulling me by the waist as she tilts her head, her nose brushing against mine, "Please, hun. I'm so sorry. Please don't do this."

Why do people hurt the people they love?

"Sorry," I said quietly, gently freeing myself from her hold and turning my head down.

"Just one chance..." she whispers, "I love you so much, Jennie."

I left her there looking so shattered. She tried to follow me, convinced me to stay so we could talk it out, but I hailed a cab and left without looking back.

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