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"It's only been two days," I said in surprise when she came in sight, leaning against her car with a grin.

It's only been two days since I last saw her, and that's when she said she loves me.

"I would see you everyday if I could," she pushes herself against her car and comes to me. My eyes darted to her injured hand she's hiding behind her, until she brought it out holding a stem of yellow rose. "Only for you, hun."

I took the lovely flower from her hand. I can't take my eyes off it. It's gorgeous. Lisa's doing everything to make me happy.

Should I even ask for more?

"Where do you want to go, honey?" she smiles wide, taking a step closer to place a kiss on my cheek.

That endearment still surprises me. It makes my heart flutter. Lisa's making me feel a lot of things.

"Anywhere with you is fine," I smiled.

"Come on, just anything you have in mind? What do you wanna do today?" she asks, seeming to be in a good mood.

"Uh..." I looked around as I tried to think.

That's when I spotted familiar brunette hair with stubbles all over his jaw, coming out of a store with his black backpack on, white shirt and black worn-out jeans an converse.

His smile briefly appeared when he saw me, it slowly faded seeing the flower on my hand.

"Hey Jennie."

I nodded. "Did you double check the inventory?"

He saluted playfully, "Yes, ma'am," he laughs. Then his eyes darted to Lisa again, then to me, "Have plans?"

"Yeah," I answered simply. "You?"

He yawns.

"Going straight home. I'm tired."

"Me too, this was a tiring day for us," I forced a smile. "Great job today, by the way. You really know how to persuade people."

"You bet I do," he grinned, then looked over at Lisa again, "Your friend?"

"Girlfriend," I corrected him, biting the insides of my cheek. Coming out to people was never easy, but you just learn to be more calm about it overtime because it should be simply introducing your lover to people. Love should make everything simple.

I felt Lisa's hand on my shoulder as she leaned a little to extend her uninjured hand to Andrew, "Lisa."

Her voice was deep and cold.

"Andrew. Nice to meet you," replied Andrew shortly, also shaking her hand quickly before looking at me. I appreciated that he didn't react differently. He turned his gaze back to me and smiled, "Enjoy on your date. See you tomorrow Jen."

I felt Lisa's breath hitting the back of my neck.

"Yeah, okay. See ya."

We waited for a few moments until Lisa spoke. "So that was Andrew."

"He's okay, right?"

"I guess so," she shrugs, still looking serious as she opened the car door for me. "Have you decided where to go? Or are you too tired to go out?"

I whipped my head back to her at her tone.

She bit her lower lip. "Sorry.. just.." she shook her head, "Where do you want to go?"


Her face fell. "Jennie..."

I looked far ahead. "You can come with me and meet my family if you want."

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