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The ride to the beach resort was actually fun. Somi and Sejeong managed to bicker even if they're so far away from each other.

Junmyeon kept singing along to the music and I loved listening to his voice, but then Bogum and Hyeri would sing along so loudly that would cause everyone to complain. We're all singing along with some songs though.

Then, when Jisoo snored in her nap, Somi managed to take a video which annoyed the hell out of Jisoo and threatened to fire her.

I can hear Sejeong bombarding Lisa with lots of questions too even when they're not seated next to each other. Mostly related to her hobbies.

After three hours, we reached the resort.

"Okay, we've got three rooms. One for the boys, the other two for us girls," Jisoo tells us, then looked at us girls, "For each of our room, girls, we have a bed for two then a single bed."

"I'll be wherever Lisa is!" Somi raises her hand like a student volunteering for plus points.

"Me too!" Sejeong slids an arm around Lisa's, and Somi being competitive, did the same.

"At this point, Lisa is safer with the guys," Hyeri chuckles.

"Yeah, you should join those two. Lisa is ours," Jisoo decides with finality.

I kept my mouth shut, even after meeting Lisa's gaze as if asking if I'm okay with that. I tried to smile and nod, then proceeded to get my things.

Sejeong and Somi were still sulking jokingly, but they all seemed excited as we went to where we'll be staying. We passed by the huge private pool, and the view from the second floor was amazing. It was overlooking the beach. We spent a while taking pictures, until Jisoo complained from being too tired smiling and posing.

Junmyeon carried my bag for me, placing it inside my room.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

Lisa closed the door after he left.

"Shit, I forgot my wallet in the van," Jisoo rolls on the bed in agony, then gave me some puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head no, knowing she's about to ask me to get it. I'm not gonna run away from Lisa every chance I get, either.

She rolled her eyes then turned to Lisa. "Lisa, will you go grab it for me?"

"No, Chu. You go get it or maybe ask Bogum or Hyeri to go with you," I told her sternly, "Lisa and I will help with setting up the grill later."

"Okay Jen, still gatekeeping Lisa 'til this day," she stood up, but with a knowing smile.

I quickly stood up and kicked her ass, making her yelp until she got out.

Lisa was chuckling, until it died down when it was just us.

Don't be awkward. Don't be awkward.

"Are you really okay sharing the room with me?" Lisa asks, sitting on her single bed.

I looked at her, wetting my lips and swallowing hard as I nod. "Yeah.. It's... It's no problem. You?"

"As long as it's fine with you," she says genuinely.

I bit my lip and sat on the bed too, pretending that I'm busy getting some clothes out of my bag.

"Sorry I haven't told the girls about us... I mean our past. I hope it wasn't too awkward for you earlier."

I can sense her looking at me. "It's fine, Jennie."

"They have that... huge crush on you. I hope that doesn't make it awkward for you too," I laughed lightly, glad that she laughed along too, making things lighter.

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