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So The Rose's publicist came up with the idea of making Rosé and Andrew pretend they're together for damage control.

Now, the public is on their side even more.

And people were actually curious about their music due to this publicity.

"Why are you drunk and alone? It's dangerous..." that damned ex of mine slipped on the chair in front of me just when Jisoo was out on the dance floor dancing alone... or with some blonde guy, whatever.

"How did you know I'm here?" I frowned, trying not to slur the words.

"Jisoo's post," she shrugged. "Hyeri and I happened to be in a bar nearby."

"And where is she?"

"Probably with Jisoo by now."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"She insisted we meet you guys here, you know..." she said awkwardly, her eyes on my drink, "You drink a lot nowadays?"

"I need it," I said in annoyance. "Now, why are you here?"

"I already said so. Hyeri wanted to be here," she looked away.

I huffed. "You're just an attention-seeking brat."

Even I was surprised that came out of my drunk mouth. I looked at her but she just looked amused.

"Well," she clicked her tongue. "No point in hiding that."

I placed my palm on my forehead, "Lisa, I have a boyfriend whom I love and you're my ex. You're supposed to be far away."

"I just wanted to know you're safe, Jennie," she said sadly, "And maybe, who knows, be friends?"

That's ridiculous. You can't be friends with someone you loved more than yourself yet still managed to break your heart.

But of course I didn't tell her that.

"I don't think so," I shook my head. "I'm not ready for that."

I saw sadness in her eyes as she stared at me. I kept ignoring the way she looks at me ever since I saw her again. She may appear cold and casual but if my guts are right... then she hasn't moved on yet.

"I'll respect that," whispered Lisa, staring straight into my eyes.

I teared up. Oh, God. Why am I tearing up?

I looked away quickly.

Maybe it was the loneliness.

My boyfriend was away and we were having troubles. I want to be selfish so bad... but I love him and supporting him is the least I can do right now.

My days in the office were peaceful as I did not see Lisa the following weeks, not even once.

At one point, I kept ignoring Andrew's apologies whenever their marketing strategy went over the top... being flirty on stage all the time.

I didn't even know what to tell my mother and Hyunsuk so I ignored them a lot too.

Jisoo, on the other hand, became the one I always rant to. She seems to be happy anyways because she get to persuade me to drink. But at least she cares enough to stop me when I've had too much.

"I'm so sorry," Andrew tells me that one time I answered his call.

"For what?"

"It's supposed to be simple for us, not this complicated."

A bitter smile crept on my mouth. "That's always the case, isn't it?"

"It feels like I'm cheating on you even though I'm not," he took a deep breath. "And I miss you. Terribly."

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