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"More wine?" Lisa asked, the bottle already on her hand.

I nodded my head and lifted my glass, "Yes please," grinning because I don't know, I just feel giddy. Maybe it's the wine kicking in.

We're eating side by side on her couch, a table in front of us while overlooking the city view deep in the night.

It felt very new and intimate with me. Us, with no shoes on, legs folded on the couch. I even let my hair down this time from a tight bun, unbuttoning the first button on my uniform.

"Wait, let me get rid of this," she says, talking about the table since we just finished eating. I laughed at her quickly pushing the table away from our view with only one hand, leaving bottle of wine and her glass on the carpeted floor below the couch. Then she plops next to me, one leg over the other and an arm on the backrest of the couch, behind me. "There. More romantic, isn't it?"

"What's the occasion?" I smiled. "You're so romantic today."

"So I wasn't being romantic before?" she pouts, so I lean my head on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms on my frame automatically.

"You were," I looked up and kissed her jaw quickly, "But I wanted something like this, just us. Comfortable."

"I figured," she ran her fingers through my hair, making me look at her, "That you were uncomfortable in most our dates. So I tried if this one would make you feel better."

"And I loved it," I said truthfully.

"Really?" she gave me a toothy smile. She then reached down for her glass, "Good, good. I wanted to celebrate your promotion. Congratulations, hun."

They said relationships only get boring the longer it becomes. But ours is the opposite.

"Hun, huh?" I tilted my head.

Her teeth sinking on her lower lip, she tried not to smile, and nodded, "Hun. Honey. Don't like it? I just thought you'd prefer it than babe or baby. We could come up with better call signs if you want, or if you don't want one—"

"Stop rambling, hun," I said, all smiles.

She let out a deep breath, chuckling, fist on her mouth as she tried to hide her smile but I lowered it to kiss her mouth.

"Thanks for tonight, honey."

"Anything for you," she replies back with a kiss, which I'm not sure how long it lasted.

This is already so much better than public dates.

When she cupped my face with her bandaged hand, I held it with mine and gave kisses to the heel of her palm where she's injured.

She just watched me with her heavy eyes, smiling.

"I'm so glad I'm home."

I smiled. "Me too."

"I'll be back, hun," she kisses my cheek, "Restroom. Then let's maybe watch a movie? Or stay here looking at the city, which one?"

"I'll decide while you're gone," I grinned.

My smile wasn't going anywhere even with her away. God, it's crazy how happy she makes me.

While she's gone, I finally had time to check my phone and saw a message from Bogum there. We follow each other on social media but never really interacted until today.

Bogum: Hi Jennie, is Lisa there with you? Just worried because she hurt her wrist yesterday morning and she's not replying to any of us since she left earlier.

I pursed my lips, typing a reply.

To Bogum: Hello. She's with me and she's doing fine 😊 thanks for looking out for her. I didn't know the accident was only yesterday. Don't worry, I'll make sure she's okay.

simply in love (jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now