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Jerry Kim: Hello Lisa, this is Jennie's father. Did you girls get home safely?

Dammit. He's easily found me on social media. I suppose it's not that hard to find me despite me and Jennie not being into our socials that much. It's because of Jisoo. And Hyeri. And Bogum. Basically, our work friends who loved to tag us every single time.

I ignored it as I went inside my room to find Jennie looking outside the window absent-mindedly.

She barely ate the food that I bought in a drive thru we passed by, and now she's lost in her thoughts. I brought her here because she didn't want her family to worry, and because she didn't want to pretend to be fine.

That made me glad, to know that she feels like she could confide in me and be true to how she feels. I want to be her sanctuary.

...as corny as that sounds.

"Water?" I opened the bottle and gave it to her before she could even answer or look at me.

Her eyes went to the bottle I am holding, then to my face. I couldn't read her.

"Jennie Kim," I playfully said in a warning tone, bringing the water closer.

It didn't fail to make her smile, even just a little. She drank half of it. I placed it down to my bedside table before standing in front of her again, "Wanna take a nap?"

"Don't want to," she answers before wrapping her arms on my waist, her head pressed on my stomach. "I just want to hug you."

"You know you can nap while hugging me. That's called cuddling," I said as I place a hand on top of her head, caressing it slowly, while my other hand is soothing her back.

Her shoulders shook with her tiny laugh.

"Cuddle while binge watching something?" she suggests, raising her head to meet my gaze.

I kissed the in-between of her brows, "I'll setup your favorite show on the TV."

She nodded happily. A couple of minutes later, limbs tangled under the sheets, we're laughing our asses off while watching the season 1 of her favorite show.

"This never gets old," she says, finally all smiles while we watch the credit roll for the 4th episode. She then looks at me, poking my cheek with her finger, "Thank you, you know, for today... and sorry you had to see me like that."

"I don't mind, you look pretty either way," I grinned. It made her laugh. I love making her laugh.

Her laughter faded into a calm smile while she stares right back at me.

"Why do you stare like a creep?" she asks, soothing my bangs as she scooted closer again.

"I am not a creep," I pulled her tiny waist closer, my hand cupping her jaw as I angled my head to kiss her deeply, "I'm your girlfriend."

She immediately kissed back, pushing me on my back as she hovered over me, kissing me deeper.

Jennie was pressing herself on me that made me hum in delight.

There it is again, that lust-filled eyes. I saw it as she looked at me before pulling up my shirt. I let her.

I saw it still as she removed her own shirt, then her bra. It didn't go away, she kept looking like that as she removed my shorts. Then her own. It's only fair I removed my bra, too.

Sitting up, I leaned on the headboard and laid out my hand, "Come here."

Obediently, she crawled and sat on my lap when I tapped on it, all while biting her lip and staring at my breasts.

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