179 10 18

Location unknown

I can't get Brocks silky bass out of my head, the renewed warmth in my belly is something only he provides and I hate him for giving me a taste of that pleasure again. Even if it was fleeting.

He said he was coming here, coming to save me.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be saved, but does over a decade of abuse from one man excuse the betrayal of another?. Wouldn't I just be going from one bad guy to another then back to the original one?. No matter how hard I try not to, I love Brock. So immensely that it makes me feel physically unwell to think of him.. I simultaneously hate and long for my 'husband'.
I don't understand why the link worked this time? If Corvin had severed the mate bond to take Brock's place; why would Brock still be able to mindlink me?.
Was it because of Theia?
Will Corvin know that I've been in contact with Brock?!

That thought brings me back to the mirror. Brock's mark remains as it always has; no matter how many times Corvin has savaged my neck - his reckless attacks always fade behind the geometric pattern and crescent moons that are associated only with the Blackfur name.
The only difference now is that the indentation is irritated, blistered and raised, burning so hot that my skin feels like there's literal flames underneath.

"Lord Corvin has sent for you" the sudden intrusion causes me to shriek.
Claudia. The she-vamp Corvin used to fuck before me, leans against the doorframe with a look on her face as if she smells something foul. My skin pricks with awareness as I feel her beady eyes examine my form in judgment. However, she never mentions the huge blotchy monstrosity on my neck.
"You should be dressed by now. Hurry up" she snaps, strolling away and muttering something like 'filthy dog'. I could be offended.. But I'd rather be a filthy dog than a Vampire's reject.
Maybe she thought the mark was Corvin's doing?

Ten minutes later

The car speeds down a long bumpy road, zooming past luxurious well kept homes with modern vehicles and people going about their daily business.. just like humans would. The biggest difference here is that the 'families' we pass aren't born. They're sired. In some cases by choice but in most, tricked or without consent - specifically the children. Poor kids doomed to spend eternity frozen in time.

Returning my focus to the cramped car, I try not to make eye contact with the unfriendly faces opposite and ignore Cor's fiendish fingers resting on my thigh.
I have no idea where we're going or why I'm along for the ride; after what happened a few months ago, I never expected to breathe free air again... so of course I'm wildly suspicious.
Cor's free hand taps on his phone, completely immersed in the device and grinning like the cat that got the cream; and I think to myself..
Someone, somewhere is getting screwed over.
I'm so fed up with this shit.

"You can rest soon Pet" Corvin purrs. Mistaking my sigh for exhaustion, he dips his nose to the shell of my ear. My skin reflexively prickles with tension "Relax sweetheart. We'll be there soon"
Feeling bold I ask "Where is 'there'? Where are we going?" he smirks "Guess"
Thinking "Uh... well we're heading out of the city"
"Annnd?" his eyes fixate on my lips, so I wet them slowly with my tongue. I learned quickly that if I play into his games from time to time, I can sometimes get my own way.. Sometimes.
His smile widens "We passed Sister's Point a few minutes ago. I'd say we're going to the tarmac but-"
"But?" his lips only a breath from mine
"But you hate flying" the tepid flesh collides with my own; warmer than usual (courtesy of his recent feed)  his lips attack mine with need. Semi cool fingers wrap tightly in the tendrils of the brown hair at the back of my head and yank harshly. So hard that I can't stop the yelp in my throat.
The bastard loves it when I do that

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