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FYI There are multiple pov changes in this chapter. Enjoy!

The Deadwood

Nala was right. Theia's scent is here.
Whether she's long gone or the pleasant zesty aroma has been overshadowed? I can't tell; but what I do know for sure is; Theia has been here.

The frustration I feel at constantly being five steps behind not only my daughter, but everyone is only kept at bay by confusion; how the hell did she make it to the 'Wood so fast?. It's a question I doubt I'll get the answer to until I find her. I just wish she weren't making it so damn hard!.

On my right, Lucenzo winces "It seems we trained her a little too well.. I'm sorry". I want to be angry but how can I with the knowledge that Theia was given some of the best survival training out there. Graypaw is renowned for it. Well that and it's rolling farmland.

Ignoring the heaviness in my stomach, I hand over control as the realization comes to me "Ok, what would she do next?" after all, Lucenzo knows Theia better than I do. "Assuming she knows where she's going..." he takes a brave sniff of the air, simultaneously polluting his lungs with death "She'd either find somewhere to hide or make for higher ground" if she chose the former we may never find her until she wants to be found "It's likely she went for height. She knows the smell of Vampire's, we made sure she was clued up on them from the pup stage like everyone else. She knows their strengths and their vulnerabilities" I'm both proud and saddened, yes it's vital every child knows this, but as a Princess - as my child; I would've shielded her a little longer. She would've enjoyed more of her childhood before being exposed to the harsh realities of our world - I wouldn't have given her the life my 'father' gave me and my brothers. "I know you want to go to her, but Brock we have to get to Weeping" Lucenzo's hand grips my shoulder "Trust me, and even if you don't. Search your heart, you'd feel it if she were in trouble"

He's right, again.
Our time together may have been short and we might not have formed much of a connection yet; but our bond - the Blackfur bond is there and I've been sensing her fear, her soul crushing sadness and worst of all her desire to disappear. Not to just be invisible, like some super power but to completely cease to exist- like she was never born.
That feeling comes in waves, more frequently than I can bear - almost bringing my eleven foot two Lycan to his knees.
"Snap out of it" his tone is abrupt- stunning the people around us, if it were anyone else they'd be minus a head. "Get yourself together. Theia is my daughter too but we can't linger here. MY people are headed to Weeping and I won't stand here whilst you torture yourself" Lucenzo marches off, his warriors follow after him.

It's the wake up I need, he's right I'm getting a little tired of that!
I can't stand around. I said I wouldn't let my demons control me anymore. It's time to be the Lycan my family need me to be. I consider linking Axel but before I can open the connection-

"Myo just got in touch, he's coming with a hefty force" Lucenzo reveals "He also said that your Beta left his post around an hour ago with more than fifty percent of your men"
That stops me and my heart in my tracks.
This time both his hands grip my shoulders "Your mate is still guarded. He at least had the decency to leave the detail you assigned to her - and Myo added some of his men to reassure you" Lucenzo always seems to be one step ahead of me, he's fast becoming one of my most treasured friends and allies.

A male around three heads shorter than me clears his throat "Your Grace..Alpha" the young wolf confidently meets both of our eyes. I notice Lucenzo immediately pinch the bridge of his nose, releasing an irritated huff "Eli don't make me repeat myself.. AGAIN"
"I know but Da-"
"I said no. I gave you a duty, it's just as importa-"
"But Dad list-" the kid, probably early teens balls his fists - loose temper, definitely an Alpha's son, probably just coming into his Wolf.
"You'll have your time. But it's not now"
"THE VAMPIRES HAVE SUCCUBI!" the lad shouts red faced and silver eyed, his short fuse revealing his Wolf to us; which is usually punishable.

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