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"𝐈'𝐌 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘" I tell Sandor, over the sound of my growling stomach

"We'll camp soon and search for some berries. If I'm lucky and fast enough I might even catch a rabbit" We weren't far enough from King's Landing, so we couldn't stop for an inn to spend the coins we got for the jewels I stole from Sansa.

Some days after we left we dared to go into a village and sell the necklaces and earrings (and I also stuffed some in my bra, but Sandor doesn't need to know about those and still think the only valuable things what we have are the coins in his pouch).

He was mainly afraid of the Hound and his bitch being recognised by the common folk, sure that Joffrey already spread the word of our treason and we are now a walking bag of gold or silver. I on the other hand, was afraid of dying sober and starving.

Hours later we split the berries almost equally, Sandor getting more for some obvious reasons. The sour taste of not yet ripen fruits leave in my mouth a trail of bitter hungriness, but I was happy I won't go to sleep with an empty belly, even though I wasn't far from it.


𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 river water is awful. The water is cold and sometimes filthier than me.

Sandor laughs at my displeased face, as I got out of the course of water we camped at and wrapped his cloak around my naked body "Not was you expected when you ran with this old dog, eh, Dany?" he asks, his tone holding no glimpse of mockery while calling me that.

"Dany?" I burst out almost offended "No one calls me Dany"

"Your sister did" he answers

"Just once. She'll never call me that again" I remark, taking my trousers fr the ground and pulling them on.

"Lets it open for me then, Dany" he accentuates the stupid nickname

Oh, but how can I hate him?


"𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄" I cry out

"So do I, Dany, so do I" sighs Sandor

We agreed to stop at the first inn or tavern, drink until we pass out and let fate decide what happens to us next. In less than half a day I laugh in relief, as Sandor points at a tavern.

He ties his horse- or is it our horse? we both ride on it- to a nearby tree and we make our way inside. No one in the busy place pays attention to me or my traveling companion, who's wearing a cloth over half of his face. I am the one who asks for the drinks, so the wrong people will not interact with the big scarred man sitting and brooding in the corner.

After some minutes the pouch is almost empty and before I get to check if the treasures in my small clothes are still there a bag is thrown over my head.


Selfish // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now