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𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐃 to leave for our duties, I ran to Sansa's bedchamber not before assuring that Bran will be taken care of by a midwife. I had to tell her I could not do it. I am not good at ruling and I will never be.

Will I help her? Yes. But being the main person who takes care of Winterfell's troubles was above be and I had to tell Sansa before I do some dumb mistake by doing something I'm not supposed to.

"It everything alright?" She asks of my sudden appearance at this early hour after both of us got a very few hours sleep the previous night

"I can't do it. You have to be the one to fix the problems around here. Please..." I take her hands in mine

"Jon said-"

"Jon was wrong. I can't do it, Sansa. Also, you always wanted to rule and to make people love you. Did your wish change?" Sansa paused and shook her head

I show her a small smile, which she mirrors "I'll help you as much as I can, I promise, but I know I won't be as successful as you, sweet sister"

"I will do it" Sansa answers and without anything more we hug. We were disturbed by Maester Wolkan's knock on the door, informings us that there were things to do and problems to solve.


"𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 do we have?" Sansa questions, staring at the men delivering food to Winterfell.

"4,000 bushels, my lady" replied the Maester

"And for how much will that last? A year?" I ask, not pleased with the current amount of food

"A year, perhaps a bit more" Yohn Royce states

"What's the longest winter in the past hundred years?"

"Longer than we have food for" I mutter under my breath

"Uh, I'm not entirely certain. I-I'll check Maester Luwin's records" Said Wolken "He kept a copy of every raven scroll"

"You're telling me we don't have enough food especially not if the armies of the North come back to defend Winterfell?" Sansa snaps at them

"No, my lady, most likely not" Wolken looks down

"Then we must prepare for that eventually. Whatever direction the threat comes from, this is the best place to be"

"What if we build up our grain stores with regular shipments from every keep of the North? That might be kind of our only solution if we don't have help from the South" I look for Sansa's agreement, which comes a moment later

"If we don't use it by winter's end, we'll give it back to them" she adds "But the entire North has to flee to Winterfell"

"Very wise, my ladies"

"Maester Wolkan, you'll see to it?" Sansa turns to the Maester, who followes her command

My sister stops, watching men making chest plates. "Are they covering there breast plates in leather?"

"No, my lady" The Royce informed her

"Well, shouldn't they be? Once the real cold comes?"

"They should indeed" Yohn approaches the men, ordering them to cover the pieces of armor. I haven't felt Sansa and Littlefinger walk forward. I stood here for a time, staring at them working with the metal. A distant memory of Sandor's destroyed armor as he lay there on the ground covered in his blood is brought to me.

I shake my head, cursing Brienne of Tarth and looking around to go after Sansa. When I fially get a gimpse of them I try not to make myself too audible, waiting what the man had to say to her.

"Don't fight in the North or the South" He stopped, turning around, noticing me, yet not telling Sansa

"Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend, every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live thay way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you've seen before"

That was the moment I enter their conversation "Is that the only thing you know to tell girls?" And in the same second we hear someone running towards us.

"My ladies, at the gate" he announces
I didn't know what to think when he fetched us. It could be Jon, it could we worse, or nothing important at all.

People were around a cart murmuring and with white faces like they've seen a ghost. I make my way first trough the crowd. My eyes met Brandon Stark's calm ones. Before he could say something I jump on him, taking my brother into an embrace.

"Hello, Danya. Sansa" He greets us

The little boy who climbed towers and struggled to hit the target with an arrow was now home.


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